Bonus : (Y/N)'s Backstory

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A/N : Hey guys! Here's the REAL bonus chapter while I'm working on the actual chapter. Also, from here on out, at the end of every bonus chapter, I'm going to let you know whether they are canon to the plot, not canon, or I'll leave it up to you to decide ^^

(The first  bonus chapter is up to you guys, and the second one was canon. Alternative Scenes was not canon😂)

Also, heads up for a little teaser ;)

Enjoy this chapter!


Do you know what it's like...

To be a completely different species to people?

Do you know how it feels...

To be treated like a freak, when you're just a little different from others?

Well I do.

I've never been able to make friends outside of my family, not including Riley, Arlo, Jake, and Olivia.

I'm meaning real friends. Friends who should accept you, despite being different.

I wanted to meet other people who could listen to me rant about my horror obsession, and my own theories about random shit, and I wanted to hear them rant about whatever they were passionate about.

But no...

All I got out of it was teasing, and poor treatment, as if I were nothing.

I just wanted to make new friends.

I just wanted to be loved.

But my family were the only ones who ever understood me.

And now they're gone.

I'm all alone. Even having Olivia around, I feel empty.


What's wrong with me?

Why do I have to be this way?

I just want love.

I want...

My parents back. My little sister.

I want my brother to wake up.


I just want them back.

Age 13:
"Aliens? Zombies?" A blonde girl was flipping through my torn up notebook, a look of disgust on her face.

Two other girls had firm grips on both of my arms, holding me captive as I was humiliated in front of everyone.

Just an average day of free period in middle school.

"Give me back my notes!" I demanded, struggling against the girls' hold on me. The blonde girl held it up above her head, grinning down at me.

"Why? You don't want everyone to know what a freak you are?" She asked tauntingly. The kids who were crowding around murmured all at once, and I still continued to wriggle around, trying to free myself.

Suddenly, I was tossed down on the grass, and blondie pressed her foot down on my chest and leaned in closer, so that I could hear her.

"Just give up, (Y/N), you're a little weirdo who just has these stupid fantasies. I think you need some serious help."

I wanted to cry, but my brother's words repeated themselves in my head

"To be a mature person, you have to prove you're smarter and stronger than them. Don't give them what they want. Look your enemies in the eye and tell them to fuck off."

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