Chapter 53

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A/N: Oh hey there, sexy 👁👄👁

After days of running to the bathroom every five minutes, and lying in my own sweat, I think I've finally recovered!! Well, as you can see from my picture above, I think I went a little crazy as well...

Anyways, thank you guys for waiting, and just a reminder that the story is pretty close to the end! I can't wait to close this story and move onto other stuff!!

Without further ado, enjoy this chapter!


I was hit by that same dread I had felt before while entering the club. The pounding music reached my ears once more, and squinting through the different colored lights, I spotted Oscar standing in the middle of the dance floor. Once he met my gaze, he waved, motioning for me to come over. I let out a long sigh, and then turned back to Tanner.

Despite his tone lightening a bit, I could see he was still in a drunken haze, not to mention the obvious details of how sad and scared he was. I grabbed his hand for a brief moment and muttered, "You know what to do if things go bad, right?"

Tanner snapped out of his daydream and nodded reluctantly. "Yes. Now go. Before I change my mind." I could practically hear the refrain in his voice, and that gave me enough strength to turn and quickly make my way to the young boy.

I took one last look at him over my shoulder, watching as he stiffly turned and walked over to Adam and Clint, who were still chatting with Dimitri and a few others, drinks in hand.

Then, letting out the breath that I had been keeping in, I turned back to Oscar with a weak smile, only to notice how guilty he looked. His hair was completely tousled, and judging by the heavy bags under his blue eyes, he hasn't slept well in days.

My smile dropped, replaced by a concerned frown as the boy awkwardly rubbed his hands together and nervously glanced over to the furthest side of the building, where most of the high profile people were talking.

If this guy was trying to not make me suspicious, then he was doing a terrible job at it.

It made me think for a short moment, lips pressed tightly together. The woman who was hiring people knew everything about them, so wouldn't she know that Oscar wouldn't be very convincing? Especially since his mother was potentially being held hostage as blackmail.

I gritted my teeth, irritated. She really was creating this big game, outsmarting all of us. I clenched my hands into fists, mind whirling with possibilities. Even if we had no choice but to play her game, we were going to find this bitch.

And kill her.

I blinked, vision suddenly distorting as my mouth fell open in surprise.

No, have her locked up, not killed! What the fuck am I thinking?

My clenched fists trembled in fear, and I felt my heart rate quicken as Oscar began to speak, barely heard over the blasting music.

"If you don't mind... let's have this talk in private! I can get us into a V.I.P room."

This suggestion raised red flags immediately, and seeing how his quivering hand hovered just over the left pocket of his black jeans confirmed everything. This was all part of the plan, I was naturally naive, so I have to outsmart this woman somehow.

She couldn't have guessed that I learned a thing or two from Adam and Tanner.

So, not wanting Oscar to see me give in so easily, I shook my head, crossing my arms across my chest. "Not right now. How about we just sit down for a minute. We can either discuss it in front of these people right now, or let me gain some trust before you pull me into a closed room."

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