Chapter 61

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My brother leaned forward in bed, sighing deeply. I watched him as he scratched the back of his head. It was clear he was hesitant on telling me, but I knew now, that whatever Tanner did in the past, was something I needed to know.

"Look..." I lowered both of the photos to my sides and approached the bed. I kept my voice calm, despite my heart being ripped apart on the inside.

I sat down on the bed and faced him. Keeping my voice gentle, I muttered, "I have been through some serious shit as I've told you before... and Tanner was with me through all of it." I paused, scanning my brother's expression.

He was still crying, but listening, and that's all I needed to know. I turn my head to gaze out the window. "Tanner has become a part of me, whether anyone likes it or not..." I turn to look him directly in the eye, my voice now trembling. "So, I need to know how he was part of our past, and why the fuck I can't remember anything."

My brother pursed his lips together, and he looked like he had finally caved in. But when he opened his mouth, nothing came out at first. I sighed, shaking my head at him desperately.

"(B/N), please."

He sighed, took one last look at me, and then dropped his head. "Y/N, the reason Tanner is in that photo you're holding, is because he was the first friend you've ever made."

My heart leaped into my chest, and I held the photo of him and me to my chest. My thoughts were racing, because I was finally learning the truth, but then again, the truth might forever change the way I see everything.

My brother continued after not hearing a response from me. "You two met at the bus stop every day when you went to school, and you told us all about him. He was mean to you, but you could tell he was hurting deep down."

"You were only nine years old when you met him, but he was older... and despite me, Mom and Dad not approving your friendship with him, you were still so nice to him no matter what."

I looked down at the photo, my thumb brushing over Tanner's face. "So Tanner... I met him after his mother died, and during the time he was being abused?"

My brother nodded, sighing deeply. "I guess so. And no matter what, every damn morning you were so sweet to him. Eventually he warmed up to you as well. At that bus stop you both read comics together, played games, took photos... just anything you could to make Tanner happy."

My heart swelled, and then I felt myself smile. If Tanner was a normal person present day, I probably still would have done the same. Helping people is one of my strengths.

My brother's face suddenly became grim. "But Y/N... a little while after you two became friends, we found out about his father's violent history, and since we already weren't fond of a twelve year old abused boy hanging out with you... we forced you two to end that friendship."

It felt like my chest was caving in. It was hard to breathe, so I took a deep breath. "Oh..."

My brother reached over to rub my shoulder, looking at me gently. "We were just worried, Y/N. What if he had brought you to his house one day when his father was there? We just couldn't risk it."

There was a long pause, and from that I could gather that my story with Tanner was over.

Or was it?

I flipped the photo of Tanner underneath the one that had Scarlett's grinning face. She looked so pretty for a little girl. Her striking eyes and frizzy red hair stood out the most.

"And... how does it connect with Scarlett?"

My brother flinched, and I could almost see the color drain from his face. He rubbed his head, avoiding my eyes. "After your friendship with Tanner ended, you actually met Scarlett not long after. At the time I think she knew you didn't have luck with friends."

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