Chapter 60

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A/N: This chapter is one of the shorter ones in the story, but don't worry! From what I've got written down, there are still at least 3 or 4 chapters left! Thank you to those who've stuck around all the way through ^^



I couldn't bite back the smile forming on my lips as I stared down at the bouquet of roses that I laid out on the kitchen table.

Despite it being late whilst going out to get more medicine for Clint, as I was sorting out my own swarming thoughts, I kept thinking about Y/N.

I remember leaving the pharmacy and climbing in my car, but as I began to peel out of the driveway, all I could think about was her.

I thought about how beautiful she looked whenever a smile was present on her face, how her eyes sparkled and the way she looked down at the ground.

I thought about how bold she could be sometimes, how she wasn't afraid to speak her mind no matter the subject.

Then I suddenly thought, maybe once she arrived back home in the morning, I could surprise her with something.

Something that could fill her with the warmth and joy she so desperately needs in these times. Roses were what I settled on in that moment, and I couldn't be more satisfied. My mind briefly drifted back to when we were both in my bed.

Her skin, her touch. So warm and soft against mine. It was the first time I have ever became truly intimate with her, and its safe to say I would drop my syringe if ever given the chance again.

My lips tingled, and despite it being so late in the night, I had a desperate urge to call her, and see how she was doing. But before I could pull out my phone, a rough voice called my name from the basement door.

"Tanner, now that I've got the exact location of that place the kid gave me, we should be sure to have Y/N here first thing in the morning." Adam rushed up the the table, almost out of breath as he dropped a piece of paper down in front of my eyes.

I blinked, glanced up to look at my friend, who looked dead tired, yet determined, and then back down at the paper. I couldn't help but giggle, straightening my back as I turned to face him. "So is this really it? We're finally going to crack this mystery after going to the location?"

From the living room, the small voice of that kid reached my ears. "This place we're going to is basically going to answer a big question you're all asking yourselves."

I turned and met the kid's eyes. He leaned forward on the couch as he clutched his laptop against his chest. Adam lifted an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his dark eyes. "And what exactly is this question?"

As Adam crossed his arms over his chest, watching The kid as he slowly stood to his feet, The atmosphere shifted. The air felt heavy, dark. I almost had to gasp for another breath as I looked from Adam to the kid.

It felt like an eternity before one of us spoke another word, but when words were spoken, they came from the kid's mouth, and they were words that sent chills up my body.

"What happened to the BlueBlood Killer?" He spoke in a low, ominous voice, and that seemed to even unsettle Adam, as his arms slowly dropped down to his sides.

"That's the question you will be asking yourselves."


I gazed down at Clint, who was currently fast asleep on the floor, soft snores escaping his lips every now and then. After taking a seat just in front of him, clutching Y/N's roses closer to me, I looked up over my shoulder.

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