Chapter 30

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A/N : I'm feeling kinda generous this week... I'm really far ahead on chapters to post, so I'll most likely do another double post today.

We gettin' this story D O N E peeps.


The voice made my hairs stand on end, and without even thinking, I swung around, pepper spray in hand.

There was a man. A really big looking man standing behind me. Since the only light that illuminated the living room was from the kitchen, it looked like he was casted in shadows.

But he looked to be about forty, and I knew I couldn't fight this man alone. But I'll try.

I yelled, startled by the man, and as I brought my pepper spray up to his face, he was quick to smack it out of my hand, and I watched in horror as it rolled across the floor. Then, I tried to hit him, but it was useless. The man laughed as he caught my swinging arm and twisted it, and I yelped.

"Stronger than you look!" He snarled, and I cringed away from him. Now was my chance.

Without saying anything, I let out a grunt as I brought up my leg, and kicked him in the balls, just like how I did with Tanner.

"You bitch!" He released me and doubled over, but he wasn't down long enough for me to retreat to my room.

I was nearly there, until I felt him grab my wounded shoulder, and yank me towards him. "You're fucking dead."

I struggled as much as I could, screaming and thrashing, but, he jammed his thumb into my stabbed shoulder, and that did it for me. I cried out, and then went completely limp, tears of pain streamed down my face as I saw blood seep through my white T shirt.

The man picked me up, and tossed me on my bed. I was still crying from the pain, and holding on to my shoulder when he brought out my gun from his pocket.

"Wait! Please!" I ignored my shoulder, and began to stir as I attempted to sit up, but the old man pinned me back down, an evil grin on his face.

"I'm doing this for him!" He growled, and I was pretty much nothing against his own strength. But I kept fighting, thinking about what my brother always told me. I had to stay strong.

But, it was difficult to stay strong, when he had the gun pressed against my forehead. "BBK told me to tell you 'Goodbye.'" The man whispered, and I squeezed my eyes shut.

Well... this is it. I fucked up and now I'm getting what I deserved.

But, as I continued to lie there, eyes sealed shut, the gunshot never came, and the man's weight suddenly wasn't there anymore. I heard a yell, and then the sound of something hitting the floor.

Opening my eyes, I was greeted by the sight of Adam and Clint yanking the man off of me, and as he was pulled to the floor, Tanner crept up behind them as well, grinning.

"What the- who the fuck are you people?" The man struggled against Adam and Clint's hold, giving Tanner the chance to walk up to him with a smirk.

"Oh? you didn't know?" Tanner asked, tone playful. "(Y/N) has more friends than the killer thought!"

Then, he brought out his syringe, and I couldn't have been more relieved to see him holding that thing.

"Fuck off!" The man kicked, and he was about to break loose, causing Tanner to stumble back a bit.

Looking beside me, I spotted my gun lying there. I grabbed it, dashed forward, and smashed the weapon against the guy's head. He went limp immediately.

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