Chapter 8

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    "So the BlueBlood Killer is the one who murdered your family?" Olivia asked, taking a bite of her eggs, to which I nodded. My friends and I decided to meet up at a diner for breakfast to talk about what had happened last night, but I learned some new information from that FBI agent, and it's made me determined.

    "But how can you know for sure?" Arlo looked like he didn't believe me. I turned to him, eyes hard.

    "The FBI has been searching for this man for years. They know he's at least in his fifties. But from what they've gathered, this killer does his work in the same way. He kills families." I paused, letting my friends take in the information, and then I continued. "But he told me that the killer used to do it differently when he was younger.. he kills a child's parents and makes them watch."

    Riley wrinkled her nose. "What a sick bastard."

    I nodded, feeling the sickness slosh around in the pit of my stomach. "Some people are just messed up."

Jake spoke up, since he was the only one who hasn't put in his own opinion of the situation yet. "So what did the agent offer to you? You said that he offered to help."

I nodded once again, and put down my fork. I wasn't that hungry, at least not after all I've learned about. "He's installing high maintenance security cameras, the ones that beep if they see movement." I grinned cheekily. "Plus he offered to pay for them, so my broke ass is good to go while I search for jobs."

Everyone looked relieved. "Perhaps that'll make you feel safer, then." Arlo suggested, and I hummed in agreement.

"But, (Y/N).. are you sure you're alright? You may have got away from that guy for now, but what if he comes back?" Jake leaned forward, concern evident on his face.

Butterflies were in my stomach now, and the air in the diner suddenly became cold. They were right. He could come back more prepared.

I shrugged my shoulders, looking down. "I don't know." I whispered.

After about a moment of silence, Arlo made a suggestion. "We could all each come over to your house frequently, just to check up on you and make sure you're alright."

Olivia nodded her head, seeming to like the idea. "Yes, I think that's a great idea!"

Riley smirked. "I like that idea, maybe even one of us could be your roommate." My friend's enthusiasm made me grin. Riley was so aggressive, and a pain in the ass, but she cares for people more than she likes to admit.

    Arlo narrowed his eyes. "Riley, out of all of us, you would probably be the best choice of moving in."

    Riley gasped, and then whipped her head to look at me. "Should I?"

    Riley would make great company, and plus.. having someone familiar over would make me feel much safer. After about a few moments of thought, I nodded my head. "Riley, I would love to have you as my roommate."

    And with that, Riley wrapped me in another bone-crushing hug, while the others laughed at my misery.

    These people are keeping me from the darkest parts of my mind, and as long as I have support, and good people around me, I think I'll be okay..

    I'm going to find out who the killer is, and I'm going to make sure my brother survives.


He was sitting just a few feet away from     (Y/N) and her group of friends, nose buried in the menu of delicious food. His head was aching, and he was tired of all this complication.

    Tanner had heard (Y/N) explain everything to her friends.

    Security cameras? A friend moving in? Adam is not going to be happy with this. Quietly, Tanner got up from his seat and rushed out the door while the friends shared their touching moment.

    He exited the restaurant, and was immediately hit by the cool breeze, ruffling up his hair a little. He climbed into his car with a heavy sigh, and called Adam on speaker.

    "Tanner." The man greeted with a flat voice.

    "Bad news, sir." The doctor groaned, setting his phone on the dash and pulling off the big T shirt he was wearing.

    Adam was silent for a moment, and then he finally responded. "What is it?"

Tanner drew in a sharp breath, suddenly getting the urge to stab someone. His fingers began to twitch. But he forced the hunger down. There were more important matters to attend to.

"I overheard the girl's conversation just now, and she made friends with an FBI agent who is installing security cameras around her home, and to top it all off, one of her friends are moving in with her."

    "Fuck." Adam muttered.

    Tanner could feel the frustration in just that one word. Adam pauses for a moment, and then said, "I guess that just leaves us to the last option."

    "We kill her friend?" Tanner asked. His voice was dripping with childlike excitement, and he had to clench his fists to keep from acting up in a public place

    "Hell no. That's not the right way to do this." Adam sighed, and sounds of him shuffling papers were heard.

    Tanner frowned deeply, disappointed that he couldn't have fun with this whole plan, but he said nothing. Instead, he asked, "Well then what is the last option?"

    "Befriend her, Tanner."

    The doctor froze, his jaw clenching tightly. "What? Why?" He whined, not liking this easygoing plan.

    "Just shut up and listen. You're not going to make things complicated, we need to take (Y/N) without making a big mess like you did last night!" Adam's voice was cold, impatient.

    Tanner shrugged on his white suit and made sure that his red tie was straight. He then opened his mouth to protest, but was cut off.

    "Please, Tanner. Just trust me. We have to do this the easy way. Just take the whole week and become friends with her."

    Killing is the easy way...

    But Tanner didn't say anything. Adam is not the kind of man you should disagree with.

    Adam continued. "Once she warms up to you - which I'm sure she will, given your enthusiastic and goofy attitude — just go over to her house and make your move when she's unsuspecting. She won't realize that you have bad intentions."

    Tanner took a deep breath, and nodded to himself. Adam was right. If they were going to catch the BlueBlood Killer, they needed to watch what they do.

    "Understood." The doctor finally agreed, and then they said their brief goodbyes and hung up.

    Feeling the stress building up, Tanner backed out of the diner and headed out to find another victim.

    He needed to let his frustration out.

    Today was Saturday, so by the time Tanner goes back to the hospital on Monday, his bruises should be healed by then.

    And then he can work on getting to (Y/N)'s good side. Tanner grinned, thinking ahead of how he was going to get her to warm up to him.

    This was one of the things he wanted to test her with. Will she fall into his trap like all the other women he's charmed? Or is she really a challenge?

    This should be interesting

A/N : There may or may not be fan service during the week that Tanner and (Y/N) get to know each other, but remember... It's all an act for Tanner. He doesn't have any sort of attachment to her.... yet ;)

But trust me, the real romance is worth the wait, but I want you all to get a little taste of what the flirting will consist of early on!

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