Chapter 12

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"How did you manage to get away?"

Olivia was sprawled out on my bed, curly hair fanned out on the sheets around her head, whilst I sat crisscross on my carpeted floor, hands folded together.

"Two words : Pepper Spray." Her voice had a slight tremble, which obviously meant she was way more traumatized than I was about our friends' deaths.

I may have known them all just as long as Olivia did, but I never connected with them the same way. It was always virtual for me. Knowing someone through a screen isn't the same as knowing them in real life, being able to hug them, go places with them. I guess I wished I knew all of them in real life, I wanted that strong bond with them.

My whole life I was an outcast. My whole attitude, the way I dressed, and my interests seemed to steer other people my age away from me. I met the whole gang while I was doing some sort of project on the internet. It was in middle school, and I kept in touch with them ever since. I obviously didn't speak to them every waking moment, but enough to grow an attachment.

Even though I've grieved for them, I knew Olivia was even more upset. She has never cried once in her life, she always kept her emotions to herself.

I can't picture a moment where I can ever hold in my tears, it hurts just thinking about it.

After a long silence, Olivia let out a sigh. "I didn't get a good look at him, but when he cornered me while I was walking home from work, he asked about you specifically."

I felt sick just thinking about the situation. I was wanted by a famous and mysterious serial killer. I knew that he wouldn't stop at just killing people I care about. He obviously knew where I lived, but why is he just taking his sweet old time? Does he want me to quiver in fear every night while I'm laying in bed? Did he just kill my friends for the fun of it, since he knows everything about me?

"He wants me dead." I croaked, staring up at the ceiling. "He doesn't know that my brother is still alive, but I guess he's embarrassed that he failed to murder everyone, so he's coming back to finish me off."

Olivia rolled over on her stomach and peeked at me from over the bed. "Just don't get too worked up. I'll be here to make sure you're safe, okay (Y/N)?"

Her reassurance put my heart at ease, but only a little bit. Everything that has happened in the past few days, I can't just pretend like it's nothing. I'll have to keep myself on my toes, and make sure I don't get bludgeoned to death in my sleep. I needed to keep up with my part time jobs, while also assisting Thomas with the suspicious person reports after he interviews me. I already have the appointment engraved in my mind.

He was interviewing me along with a partner of his, and it was just two days away. I didn't want to do it, because I know I will start crying if he makes me revisit all the memories.

Olivia reached down and gently squeezed my shoulder, — the good one — and spoke in a soft voice. "Should I stay with you tonight?"

I looked up at her, my (E/C) eyes shining with tears. At this point, I could be in serious danger, and I didn't feel safe by myself. Having a friend here is what will make me feel secure, since Thomas said he couldn't do anything, except for helping me with the Crime Watch program, which was practically illegal, since I wasn't anything close to an FBI agent.

"Yes. Please." I replied, my voice wavering, and looking into Olivia's eyes, I saw how sad she was... how lost.

It's safe to say, that my life is slowly going to shit.

A/N : Alright guys, next chapter is probably the one that you've been anticipating. We are finally getting to the Tanner and Reader interactions. The juicy stuff is just getting started >:)

Expect Chapter 13 to be out in a couple hours.

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