Chapter 6

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    "You what?!"

    Adam slammed both palms on the table, emanating a loud echo throughout the dimly lit room. Sitting across from him, Tanner looked ashamed, his head bowed down, avoiding eye contact.

    "I'm sorry, sir. But she had a gun." He said softly.

    Adam shook his head in disbelief. "But wouldn't you have been able to stop her before she grabbed it?"

    Tanner flinched, and then cleared his throat, still not looking up. "She uh... put up quite a fight."

    Silence fell across the two men, and then Adam spoke up. "Look at me."

    Slowly, deliberately, Tanner lifted his head to look up at his boss. Adam arched an eyebrow once he had scanned the doctor's face. There was a big, purple bruise surrounding his mouth and nose.

    Feeling humiliated and deflated, Tanner drooped his head once more. After about a moment's pause, Adam questioned him, his voice laced with amusement.

    "Please don't tell me you got owned by a girl."

    Tanner's face heated up with embarrassment and anger. He was angry at that girl for being tougher than he thought, but surprisingly, he wasn't as angry  as he expected.

    "She knew what she was doing, sir." Tanner replied, voice flat and emotionless.

    "Please don't tell me you got owned by a girl." Adam repeated. Then he burst into laughter, doubling over and wheezing for air. This only angered Tanner even more.

    He jumped up out of his chair, the force causing it to tip backwards and smack into the concrete floor.

    "Shut the fuck up, Adam!" He snapped. But his boss was still stifling giggles. Tanner sighed out of frustration and paced back and forth.

    "Can you blame me? Every girl I've ever captured or killed never put up a fight like she did." He sighed, and leaned up against the wall, staring down at the floor. Adam's face grew serious again. He wasn't laughing anymore.

    "Well, then I guess we'll have to send more than one person after her." He suggested.

    Tanner nodded. "That's probably the best way to do it. But I think I'm going to go back tomorrow and see if I can figure out her schedule." He gently brushed his fingers across the bruise on his face, and then winced.

    Adam nodded, and turned to the door. "When you figure it out, call me and let me know, then you and Dimitri can work together to drug her and bring her here."

    Tanner agreed, but for some reason, his excitement to catch this girl has died down. "I think I'll stick to killing the defenseless girls." He said more to himself than Adam.

    His boss smirked, turning to face him again. "Why? You don't want to deal with her anymore? She too tough for you?"

    Tanner shot him a look, but then sighed. "Well, I do love a good challenge." He said, his voice filled with a sudden hunger.

    Thoughts about things he could do to her were swirling in his head. He wasn't so worried about enjoying the torture anymore, he just wanted to see how brave she was.

    "So you still do want to torture her?" Adam asked, crossing his arms and staring at Tanner while he was deep in thought.

    He shook his head slowly. "I'm just... intrigued." He looked up at his boss, his eyes were brimmed with curiosity and excitement.

    "Well, good, because I'm planning on making her sign a contract. And we need her alive. So I'm asking you to try and hold back once we have captured her." Adam pleads, and Tanner, who respects this man, nodded his head.

    "I understand." He really did understand. But how hard is it going to be for Tanner? Being in the same room with a woman without doing anything violent? But since this girl was a bit different, maybe he could hold back. He wanted to test her once Adam has her in the palm of his hand. See how strong she really is.

    The two men said their goodbyes, and Tanner was now on his way to murder someone after taking a two week vacation.

    While driving, Tanner thought about that girl, and how she intrigued him. He loves it when his victims scream and cry in fear after they've found out who he really is. But with (Y/N), she didn't scream or cry in his presence, she just fought for her life. She seemed determined to survive.

    Maybe that was what separates her from everyone else. Tanner tapped his steering wheel, his smile big as he kept anticipating. The fantasy of when he can finally test her. How far he can go.

    Until next time, (Y/N).

A/N : Hehe, this is just the start of his development. It'll take a little while before the romance comes. I mean, he's a serial killer after all, so I'm sure it will take some convincing.

This is the last chapter for tonight, expect chapter updates once a day from here on out!

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