Chapter 22

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I'm not exactly sure when I fell asleep, (Which was a huge mistake on my part.) but I remember stirring awake as the ping of my phone echoed throughout the dark, and silent house.

I had been going through a chunk of reports after Thomas left, and then when I felt I reached a good stopping point, I decided to read a little.

I guess I shouldn't have gotten comfy in bed, because I must have dozed off.

With a tired groan, and the shifting of my body as I lifted up my head, I took my phone from the spot next to me, and turned it on.

The brightness of the home screen blinded me, and the illumination lit up my whole room as I squinted to read the message, and dread started sinking in.

Unknown : Hello, (Y/N)

Heart picking up speed, as if I were running a marathon, I gripped my phone tighter.

This was the first time the killer texted me since when he threatened to kill the rest of my friends after hanging Riley.

And, he wasn't fucking around at that time.

He sent me another text.

Unknown : I'm ready to play a little game with you...

My heart leapt into my throat, the sudden panic causing me to jump up out of my bed and dash for my closet. Sliding the cloth that hid my gun away, I grabbed it, checked to make sure it was loaded, then I tiptoed out of my room.

The whole house was silent, the only thing I heard was my own heart thudding inside my chest, and the slow, dragged out creaks of the floor as I took one cautious step after another.

If the BlueBlood Killer was texting me, would that be a good thing? I considered calling Tanner, informing him that I got something, but deep down, I knew it wasn't going to be that simple.

He has to be messing with me.

My phone lit up once more.

Unknown : I'm going to do everything I can to get my hands on you. You're going to die, just like the rest of them.

Chills ran down my spine. What did he mean by that?

I reached the end of the hallway, and a loud banging noise from outside my front door made me jump, letting out an audible gasp.

What the hell was that?

But, no other noise came after that, just the faint chirp of crickets, and the ambient wind brushing against the outside of my home.

Trembling, gun clenched tightly in my left hand, I shifted my gaze from the front door to the computer sitting at the small desk.


I wasted no time in rushing over and settling down into the computer chair, placing my gun down next to me, and starting the computer up.

I stared at the camera icon on the screen, and reaching over to click on it was like dragging my hand through quicksand.

I kept my eyes glued to the screen as the camera popped up, a little loading icon in the middle.

Once the view of my backyard appeared, I caught my breath, preparing to see anything weird or out of place.

There was nothing.

I flashed the light, double checking to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Then, I switched to the front yard camera, and I jumped, rolling back in my computer chair.

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