Chapter 10

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By the time I pulled back into my driveway, my heart was still racing with anticipation, and I still felt dazed. Everything was just hitting me like a bag of bricks.

Thomas has given me a computer for free. Just so that I could get started on this job. Question was, why did he trust me? Did he think I had the determination to do it? That I knew what to look for?

I grabbed the computer and tucked it under my arm.

Psh, damn right I'm doing this.

I couldn't help but feel motivated. I can finally do something to get justice. I need closure on my family and that evil person who killed them. And I needed to pay those medical bills.

Speaking of, out of the ten part time jobs I registered for, only three had accepted me. And Thomas already made it clear that since I wasn't in the system, he couldn't pay me any money for doing FBI work.

I felt for the piece of paper in the pocket of my hoodie, but almost gasped when I couldn't find it. Perhaps I put it in the pocket of my jeans?

Nope, every pocket was empty.


That paper had the directions of how to set up the computer. I mentally face palmed, embarrassed about having to text Thomas later to ask him for the directions again.

I continued to curse at myself and trudged up to the front door. I just about stuck my key into the hole before I realized something strange. The door was cracked open.

Alarm bells rang inside my head, almost making it ache. Riley would never just leave the door open like that. Knowing her for quite a long time, she even locks her door when she has a house full of people.

My heart picked up speed, and slowly, my hand reached for the knob. It was nerve wracking, pushing that door open, afraid that someone had broken in again.

But when I peered inside, they whole house was silent. "Riley?" I called out, my voice hoarse.

Nobody answered, so I stepped all the way in and shut the door behind me. Dropping my keys on to the kitchen counter, I made my way over to the small table in my living room.

It was better than nothing. I could just roll my computer chair out from my room and then I'd be all set. I carefully placed the rather heavy computer down on the table and sighed.

Then, my phone pinged, signaling that I had got a text message. I leaned my back against the table and checked my phone.

Unknown : I know who you are, (Y/N).

Chills ran down my spine, and the breath had caught in my throat. Who the hell was this? Were they just fucking with me?

Before I let the fear take over, I texted back, feeling lost about what was going on.

Me : Who is this?

The speech bubbles were green, so the person must not have an iPhone. It only took twenty seconds before the person replied.

Unknown : I killed them. Now I need to finish you.

I felt like I was drowning in cold, wet cement. The BlueBlood Killer? Was he referring to killing my family? Does he know that he didn't kill my brother?

At this point, I couldn't imagine any of my friends screwing around with me, they knew that this whole thing was a touchy subject.

My trembling fingers frantically typed at the keyboard, head spinning and stomach lurching.

Me : What do you mean?

This time, it only took five seconds for the person to send me a message back.

Unknown : I won't come after you, but I will find a way to make you come to me.

Then, a photo came through. It was Riley, and the picture was taken through my bedroom window. Riley was shown to be on her phone, looking distressed.

My blood ran cold, and the fear I had swallowed back, came sneaking back in once more. But my cameras should have sent me a notification on my phone, how did this person come into my yard without me knowing? My heart was still pounding as I exited out of the conversation and checked the app where I could look back on footage.

There were no videos to go back on. My breath hitched in my throat, and next thing I knew, I was sprinting out the front door and looked up at where my first camera was set up.

It had been destroyed. My eyes widened when I noticed how beat up it looked.

Then, I ran to the side of my house. That camera was smashed.

The back of my house. Smashed.

At this point, I was in disbelief. How did they do this? I rushed back into my house, now feeling panicked.

"Riley?!" I jogged through the hallway and pushed open the bathroom door. Nothing.

I turned and peeked into the laundry room. Empty.

"Riley!" I burst through the door that led to the guest bedroom. Nobody was in that room either, only boxes that I helped my friend move from her house to mine. There was only my room remaining.

I stared at my closed bedroom door. For some reason, I felt like I knew what I was going to find in there. Dread washed through me, and my shaking hand clenched at the knob.

"Riley." It came out as a quiet, raspy noise, and I tried to swallow, but my throat was too dry.

Keeping my breath trapped in my throat, I threw open the door.

A/N : (Y/N) really can't catch a break, huh?

Stay tuned for tomorrow ;)

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