Chapter 7

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There were officers everywhere.

After the exciting events that had occurred last night, I didn't waste any time at all to call the cops. They had rushed over right away, and stayed with me up until 7 Am.

    I was currently sitting in the back of a patrol car, while a medic woman tended to my wound. She finally pulled away and gave me a reassuring smile.

    "You're all set, (Y/N)!"

    I thanked her and then slowly climbed back out of the car and made my way across the yard.

The crisp morning breeze was gentle, softly blowing my (H/C) [Hair Color] in different directions, as my feet stepped through the damp grass. I've always loved mornings, they were so calm, and peaceful.

    Looking around, I saw dozens of police officers just chatting about random stuff in my front yard. They had already investigated my whole house when they first arrived, but I was still paranoid that the intruder may have somehow creeped back around.

    I felt a sense of comfort, taking in the sight of all the officers. They told me that they would hang around for another hour before leaving.

I texted my friends about what happened, and they set up a time to meet today. My stomach grumbled with hunger, and also excitement to tell my friends that I had just survived a possible kidnapping.

    Thinking about how I handled the intruder, I couldn't help but feel more confident in myself. Not once in my life I had to actually fight someone off of me, but when the time actually came, I was successful.

I'm still alive...

I subconsciously reached up to touch my shoulder as thoughts began to form in my head.

Maybe that guy was the one who killed my family.

But I quickly shook my head. I took that man down quite easily, while the person who murdered my family managed to take all of them down by himself.

That man must know what he's doing.

My thoughts were immediately interrupted, though, when I heard someone call out my name.

"(Y/N) (L/N)?"

My head snapped in the direction of the voice, and a tall, well built man came half walking - half jogging up to me. I blinked, not knowing why this man was approaching me. He was definitely not a police officer. He was wearing an expensive looking suit, and the briefcase he was carrying sealed the deal.

Once he came to a halt in front of me, he gave me a friendly smile, to which I returned. "(Y/N)... my name is Agent Young, but you can just call me Thomas, and I'm with the FBI." He paused, taking the time to wave his very real badge in my face.

    Confusion was all I felt at that moment. Why was the FBI here at my house? Was this a rare occasion of a break in happening? The nerves got the better of me, and I continued to stare at the agent called Thomas, the chatter of officers only just a background noise.

Thomas put his badge away, and then offered a hand, to which I hesitantly took. The man was tall, just as tall as Tanner was, but rather than being skinny, he was very decently built, black curls going in different directions, pale skin, and electric green eyes.

I felt my heart flip a little and dropped his hand a little too soon.

What's with me and meeting cute guys, recently?

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