Chapter 44

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A/N : Hey guys! Real quick here : So I'm obviously posting a chapter today, but there's a possibility that I won't upload daily this week. I promised my mom I'd try to do better in school, and my brain's fried, so I plan to go to bed earlier as well. I'm really sorry! But hopefully after this week, I'll get back on track... as much fun as I have typing up a chapter for you guys everyday, I've been feeling burnt out. I think I need to focus on my grades, health, and time for myself! I hope you all understand ❤️


My eyelids were heavy, like a bag of bricks as I tried to open them. The first thing I noticed was the unfamiliar ceiling above me.

I blinked, limbs feeling heavy, and my stomach rumbled, a feeling of nausea plagued my body.

As I tried to sit up, I felt a wave of exhaustion and dizziness rush through me, body damp with sweat.

I moaned, physically hanging my head so it would stop spinning. Then, I squinted, examining the bed I was sleeping in. The bed was much larger than my own, dark blankets covering my body protectively.

I peeled off the comforter, wanting to cool off, considering my face felt like it was on fire, sweat dripping off my nose. I took note that the clothes I was wearing the last time I was awake, were still on my body, the dampness still sticking to my skin.

"Oh... you're finally awake!" I heard a soft voice say through the dark room.

I jumped back with a gasp, the sudden movement made my head throb with pain. Tanner was standing in the doorway of the bedroom, a shadow covering the half of his face and body. He approached me carefully, and I felt myself flinch, a feeling of butterflies mixed with cold frost filling my nauseated stomach.

I vividly remember what Tanner had said about Thomas, when we found him hanging. But again, I still felt the crazy side of me reassure myself that he didn't mean it.

Tanner went to the bedside table, turning on a lamp with a very bright lightbulb. I had to squint my eyes for a moment, adjusting to the dimly lit room.

Now that I recognized I was in Tanner's room, I felt my heart skip a beat, panic settling in as I stared at him with wide eyes.

Tanner was drenched in blood, flecks covering his perplexed face, and dark smears all over his crisp white suit. A very dark thought came to me, and I thought about Thomas.

My breathing grew heavy as I started to panic, but Tanner was quick to reassure me with a shush. "(Y/N), this isn't your friend, I promise." He came over to sit on the edge of his bed, still watching me as I felt my stomach churn.

"What... what did you guys do with him?" I finally choked, the effort of just talking draining my energy. I swayed a bit, knowing my words must have been slurred.

"Don't worry." Tanner whispered, giving me a cheerful grin, causing my heart to flutter. "Adam suggested we bury him with your other friends... way better than what I wanted to do."

I watched as he turned away, face showing shame. "I'm awful, I know..."

I didn't want to talk about losing Thomas, so with my eyes squeezing shut, I asked, "Why am I in your bed, and why did you drug me?"

Tanner couldn't help but chuckle at my question, shifting closer to me. "Adam and Clint didn't want you to be in your house while you were out. We all know you haven't been feeling safe there lately..." He paused, but then quickly adding, "I didn't do anything to you, I promise... you were only out for a couple hours."

Trying to ignore the blood on Tanner's face, I swallowed, throat extremely dry, and there was a sour taste in my mouth. "So, are we going to discuss a new plan tomorrow?"

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