Chapter 47

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A/N : Happy Monday y'all!! I would like to personally thank you guys for being patient with me! Starting a story in the midst of schoolwork was a terrible idea, but I can't believe how popular this fanfic has gotten, and just... you guys are awesome!

Now that I've spent this week resting, and getting caught up in school, the stress that I had before went down a lot, and I'm ready to start this week with the normal upload schedule again!

This chapter was a short one, oh the irony coming back from my break XD

To those of you who plan to read my Connor fanfic, are you guys interested in a love triangle? Y'know... to complicate things?


When my eyes first opened up, they were met with bright morning sunlight, pouring through Tanner's open curtains. I found myself lying on my side, facing away from where Tanner was.

But, rolling over, expecting to see him right next to me, I was surprised to see the spot next to me vacant. I blinked, drowsy mind now fading away, and I was completely aware.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I partially sat up in the bed, glancing out the window. Then, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Tanner must have cleaned the mess he made from last night.

The bottles of drugs, and syringes were all back in place on the table, and the smashed lamp was gone from the floor.

Before I could do anything else, a sudden voice filled the silent atmosphere.

"About time you woke up!"

I jumped, startled, and then turned to see Tanner standing in the doorway, smiling. Memories of what had happened between us last night flooded my mind, and I blushed. "Oh... hi?"

Tanner was still wearing a T shirt and sweatpants, hair messy as well. Before I could take time to admire him, my eyes caught a faint bruise right next to Tanner's mouth. My heart jumped a little, and I pointed at him, looking puzzled.

"What happened to your face?"

Tanner lifted an eyebrow, and his friendly smile turned into a smirk. He stood up straight, and then approached me, taking a seat on the bed next to me. Butterflies continued to swarm around in my stomach, hands fidgeting nervously as he spoke.

"Well... I'm an early morning kind of guy!" Tanner responded, sounding a little cheerful as he leaned into me. I swallowed, not liking where he was going with this. His fingers were tapping against his knees, and I rolled my eyes. He always had to keep his hands moving.

"So, when I woke up, Adam had called me and told me he was busy with a livestream, so he was going to pick Clint up and arrive late..." Tanner made eye contact with me, and since we were a bit closer now, I felt a rush of warmth, and we exchanged shy smiles, before he looked away.

"Anyway, I was bored, sitting around in the house by myself, so I went to go wake you up, and see if you wanted to grab breakfast."

For some reason, I felt my body tense up, eyes widening, as if I knew what he was going to say next, a long silence spreading out between us.

Turns out I was correct, as Tanner casually murmured, "When I tried to shake you, I felt you move around in bed... and then you punched me."

Tanner met my eyes again, and as I gaped at him in horror, he just stared at me, biting his lip. Then, before I could apologize, he doubled over, laughing his head off.

"I..." My voice trailed off, completely speechless. "I'm sorry.. I guess I really didn't want to wake up?"

Still caught up in giggles, Tanner sat up and shook his head, grinning. "Don't worry about it, (Y/N). I think I deserved it."

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