Bonus! (And Goodbye)

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Hello everyone! If you're reading this, then you've finally made it to the end of "You're Mine"!!

I just want to thank everyone, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for reading all the way through! Your support meant so much to me.

I'd also like to apologize for taking 3 very long hiatuses during the process of writing. I noticed that ever since, the audience really died down, and I'm sorry. I should have been more motivated. I would have had this all finished while the Tanner hype was still huge.

But to those who stuck around, thank you! I'm so sorry for worrying everyone in my absence, but as promised, I finished this thang :D

Now, I would like to just talk about some stuff from the story I had cut out. Before the final version, I had a few other drafts that I wanted to create.

The first one was, I guess the story I wanted to make all the characters close to how they are in game. Tanner was going to kidnap MC, and rather than the sort of romance in main story, it's basically him just torturing you, and corrupting you the whole time you're there.

Adam was also there for a few chapters, and he was just as bad. But towards the middle of it, I just sort of felt awful putting readers through that. And the MC was supposed to be murdered in the end anyway. I also had no big plot for it.

So after I discarded those drafts, the second version was me subconsciously comforting myself from what I'd written down in the first one. I changed the concept into a fluffy rom-com. But I didn't even get too far into it.

I asked myself: "Will people read a fanfic about characters that don't even act closely like themselves?"

I planned on making Tanner and Adam into completely different people, so I was immediately turned off by those drafts.

So, I thought very hard for the third time, and I thought: "Why don't I just take the first version I created, and mash it with the second version?" Like finding a middle ground. I wanted to make the characters at least mostly similar to their game personalities, but I also wanted a real romance to develop organically, but make it while everyone is insane lol. Also, I thought it was very smart to make sure Adam and Tanner had empathy, or Reader would probably be dead 🙃

And finally... I came up with the final story you've read through! But, there were some things I cut from the final version as well!

Okay, first thing is, Clint wasn't even supposed to be an important character. Just like the first two versions, I just wanted Adam, Tanner and Reader.

Clint was only supposed to show up as a cameo during the pizza delivery part, but then I got to thinking.. we really needed better sense in moving the plot forward, so I thought adding Clint would be the perfect idea.

Not only did he move the plot forward, but it also felt less empty to have one more person in the squad. So yeah, I don't regret adding Clint into the mix!

Next thing... there was supposed to be a spark between reader and Thomas. I actually made Thomas a lot more in depth than what he was in my final version. He was one of the first "Made up" characters I created! He was supposed to be the trigger that made Tanner realize his feelings for you!

I had so much I wanted to add about Thomas, but unfortunately I felt like I would be dragging things too much, so I downgraded him to side character :(

He was also supposed to survive through the entire story, and also be part of the squad, but I felt that the important characters were already there, so I planned an early death for him after he helps Reader one last time.

Next thing I cut! Riley (One of Reader's friends at the beginning) was supposed to survive Olivia's killing. Just like Thomas, I had a lot more in store for her, but then I realized... she was way too similar in the way I wrote Reader's personality. So I figure it would kind of get in the way of the story, so I decided to kill her off with the other friends. (She would have been Tanner's bestie tho!)

Also, speaking of personality... I was going to kind of make Reader's personality a blank slate, or to better describe, I wanted to dumb her down and be kind and naive, but then I decided last second... I wanted a main character who was both naive, and tough. I wanted her to fight back, and be as snarky as possible. I feel that's one of the reasons Adam grew attached to her so quickly.

Another big thing I changed was obviously Clint and Adam's interactions and overall relationship. I was originally going to make their relationship tense but bearable, and by the end they gain a mutual respect for one another, but after seeing the comments about how much they love them both together I was too weak not to change things :,)

And finally... the ending. I had a much darker ending in mind, but at the last second, I decided to go on the bittersweet and emotional route, rather than depressing and dark as fuck.

So... here goes: When Clint got shot in the club arc, he was supposed to die. I know, it already sounds awful right? So after grieving Clint's death, the same stuff happens leading up to the final confrontation. So Y/N was actually supposed to be the one who died... she would have dove in front of Tanner as Olivia plunged the blade into her chest, and we all know how deeper Tanner would fall deranged-wise if he ever lost her.

He goes into a frenzy and basically um... tears Olivia into pieces with the katana, and then once police shows up (Adam calls them, once again risking his life), They gun down Adam and he dies too.

During the epilogue, Tanner was let go by police because of the state he was in, and was placed into therapy. He is so lost in his own delusions, he just snaps. When the brother is grieving Y/N's death, Tanner pays him a visit.

Because he was grieving the loss of not only Y/N, but his good friend Adam, he blamed and degraded the brother, telling him it was all his fault the only people he cared about died.

Tanner proceeds to snap the brother's neck, and eat him.

After a little time skip, it's clear that Tanner has become the next BlueBlood Killer, traumatizing children while he consumes their parents in front of their eyes.

...The final ending seems better, doesn't it?

It sort of proves my point for what I wrote in the final ending. Even with everyone alive, I think Tanner would have never recovered mentally from everything that happened. Y/N had softened him up, and made him feel proper love and emotions again, but as a killer who had bottled them up for so long, he gets overwhelmed by them, making him more unhinged.

Tanner's death was supposed to create an emotional impact, because he knew how fucked up he was, and he knew that sacrificing his life for Y/N, because he loved her, was the only way she would ever forgive him.

I hope you enjoyed the ending, and hopefully it provided enough closure that it ended on a peaceful note!

And finally I'd like to talk about... future stories?

If you haven't noticed, I actually unpublished the Connor fanfic. In the middle of writing, I realized that since there were so many DBH stories already, I didn't want to make the plot too complex. So, once I've come back to it, Im going to turn the Connor fanfiction into a rom-com! It takes place after the events of the game, of course!

As for upcoming ones, I've actually already created a story on a BTS member. It's not for everyone who followed me, but if you're interested, I'll be publishing that soon!

And then, I've gotten very involved in Obey Me, and Mystic Messenger, so any fanfiction requests? (I'm Mammon and Seven biased hoohoo-)

As for many other ideas I have, stay tuned!

Now that's over, I would like to say once again, thank you so much for reading. Even though the viewership isn't the same, since I took a long break and Tanner hype died down, I'm glad that people stuck around.

I will hold this story dear to my heart. This is the first one I've ever committed to writing the whole way through, and the only story I have ever published for everyone to see. This is my baby, and I'm proud to have finally finished it!!!

So, to the ones who are just here for the Tanner fanfic, I hope you enjoyed, and hope you have an amazing day! Goodbye guys! Thank you so much for being here!


||You're Mine|| {Scrutinized: Tanner x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now