Chapter 55

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Reality wasn't something that Tanner had for a long time.

All he ever saw was the grotesque image of his mother being slaughtered.

All he ever felt was the need to hurt and kill others.

To satisfy his hunger, his evil intentions.

But... he was also selfish.

Anything he wanted, he would get.

Including the girl that treated him like he wasn't insane.

So, in conclusion. Don't try to take away what belonged to him.



Age 12

The world was completely engulfed in shadow by the time that maroon van pulled up at the end of (Y/N)'s driveway. Her house was looming overhead, light pouring out of the windows. You could even hear distinct music coming from inside.

My head ticked, and I tried to hide myself better in the shadows as Scarlett jumped out, a bright grin on her lips. Her red hair seemed to glow despite the darkness.

She exchanged a few words with what I assumed was her mother, and then the vehicle slowly pulled away, rounding a corner and then disappearing for the night.

Silence immediately hit the air like a bag of bricks. I could even hear the beating of my own heart, and my controlled breathing.

Scarlett had a little bag over one shoulder, so I guessed that she planned to spend the night. My eyes flickered downwards, catching sight of the gift in her hands, and that caused my teeth to grit.

I gripped the hammer tightly in my hand, which was hidden behind my back.

Now was my chance, and I had to move fast before she reached the front door.

Taking in the deepest breath I could manage, I shoved the hammer into the waistband of my pants, and then stood from my hiding spot.

Scarlett was about halfway across the driveway by the time I reached her, mind racing and fingers curling.

"Um... excuse me?" I blurted out, surprised by the volume of my own voice. The girl gasped at my sudden words, and then she turned to look at me with wide eyes.

This was the first time I saw her face to face, and nothing but anger and hatred filled my body. I had to level out my breathing before she suspected anything.

Slowly, as the awkward silence grew between us, Scarlett lowered her head at an angle, looking uneasy. She finally managed to reply back after a full thirty seconds.

"Can I help you?"

I was a bit stunned by the maturity and calmness of her tone, considering how childish she seemed from a distance. I held my hands behind my back casually, and then gave her my most convincing smile.

"Oh! So you're here for (Y/N)'s birthday party, too?"

Scarlett blinked at the question, a frown taking over her expression. I felt a bit put off, so I attempted to look more innocent by tilting my head curiously. My eyes flickered to the gift in her hands. Her grip tightened around the box.

"(Y/N) never mentioned a boy to me..." She whispered, and I could have sworn she was just telling herself that rather than me.

Feeling a bit antsy from the anticipation, I took a gentle step forward, causing the girl to tense up, eyes burning into mine cautiously. I dropped my voice a mere whisper, stealing a quick glance up to (Y/N)'s house. It seemed that nobody was peering out any of the windows.

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