Chapter 37

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ATTENTION : My book cover has been changed! I would like to thank worldstar_money_ for taking the time out of her day for making it for me ❤️ I love it! You guys should check her out!!


A/N : Tanner was a bit naughty in this chapter

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A/N : Tanner was a bit naughty in this chapter... we need to punish his nasty compulsive ass-

I just kid. I know a lot of you guys want the tension to develop between them. This whole chapter is just like a glimpse at how their relationship would be like xD


Age 9 :

"Why are you being nice to me?"

I gave the boy a confused look, squinting my eyes. We were currently at the bus stop yet again, and for the past week, I had shared my juice boxes and lunch with him before I left for school.

He was always quiet about it, and only had short answers when I tried to make small talk.

Now, he had finally started warming up, and here he was asking me this question.

"Because you seem lonely. Kinda like me." I replied, taking a seat next to him.

"But... why do you care?" He asked, giving me a suspicious glare. "Nobody cares about me."

I felt myself frown, and then say, "Don't be silly, I care."

The boy's eyes widened, and then I could see a smile forming. "Really?"

I nodded at him, but I was a bit hesitant to ask if he would be my friend. Nobody wanted to be my friend.

I turned back to my lunch box, and then pulled out the extra ice pack, giving it to him.

He took it, and then tilted his head at me. "What's this?"

"It's for the bruise on your forehead!" I replied with a grin.

He smiled at me, and then held the ice pack to his head. "So... does this mean that we can be friends?"

I looked away with a sigh. "Nah, you won't like me. Nobody else likes me at school..."

The boy shrugged from beside me. "And nobody else is there for me, either, but you are."

I couldn't help but feel joy, ready to tell my parents and brother about finally making a friend.

"I'm (Y/N) by the way! I don't think we've ever told each other our names." I stuck out my hand.

The boy reached out and took it, a weird look in his eyes. "I'm Tanner."

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