Chapter 35

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I jolted awake, gasping for breath, my throat dry.

I was in my bedroom, but there was an eerie red glow, creeping through my window and curtains. Then, I noticed how cold it was in here, and I shivered, a cloud of my own breath releasing into the air as I continued to gasp.

I attempted to sit up, but I couldn't. It was as if an invisible presence was pinning my arms and legs down. Then, the red glow from inside my room grew brighter, and the floor from the bedroom next to me creaked, pressure being put on it.

My heart started to pound, and then a choked, raspy voice called out to me. "(Y/N).."

"Who's there?" I struggled to move, but the invisible presence still pressed down, and I darted my eyes all around the room.

The slow, dragging footsteps reached the end of my former bedroom, and they stopped for a moment. "(Y/N)... why?"

My breath grew uneven, and the fear was beginning to suffocate me, as Riley appeared in the doorway, grinning at me.

Her hair was tousled, skin rotted and purple. Her eyes were red, almost popping out of her sockets. I saw bugs crawling around her slouched body. The worst part, was the deep gash around her neck, from when she had been hung, and then she spoke again.

"(Y/N)... how could you let me die?"

"No... Riley!" I felt tears stream down my face, and I thought my heart was going to crash through my chest, guilt and terror rising up my throat. "I'm sorry!"

Riley suddenly laughed, high and shrill, causing chills to break out on my back.

"You little bitch! It's all your fault! You let us die! You selfish bitch!"

Then, she darted forward, causing me to finally jerk free of my invisible restraints, and I screamed, as loud as I could. Then, Riley grabbed me, and we tumbled to the floor.

I yelped, watching with wide eyes as my friend knelt over me, her expression angry now, purple skin bubbling.

"It's your fault that everyone you cared about died. Now it's your turn!"


The night terror swiftly faded, as consciousness finally gripped on to me, and I could see the bright sunlight through my heavy eyelids.

I tried to open my eyes, but was immediately struck with a teeth grinding headache, causing my head to throb violently, and I groaned, eyes snapping shut.

Fucking hell.

My body was still somewhat numb, but I could feel the acid in my stomach bubbling, and I could taste a mixture of alcohol and vomit from in my mouth.

Then, the memories came flooding back from last night, and I attempted to open my eyes once more.

I remembered the words I'd shared with the doctor about my brother, and then I remember going to the bar, getting drunk.

Everything else was fuzzy. I vaguely remembered bumping into three men, and...


I stared up at the ceiling for a moment, and then, gathering as much strength as I could, sat upright in bed. I had to squint, since the morning sun was bright, and the effects of it was enhanced thanks to my hard hitting hangover.

I groaned a little, rubbing my temples as my head continued to pound, the memory of my night terror fading away.

Then, I looked up, and saw Tanner sitting at the foot of my bed, the upper half of his body leaned over, fast asleep.

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