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His fingers drummed against the cool surface of the table impatiently. It had been at least ten minutes that Tanner had come in to meet Adam, but still has heard nothing. Adam had requested for Tanner to come and see him, which the man did not know why.

He was sitting in a small, cramped room, with one single light dangling from the ceiling, which casted eerie shadows around the room, a great combination with the freezing air and the stale atmosphere.

Tanner was sitting with perfect posture, back straight and hands twitching. The sudden hunger to stab someone creeped its way into his head. The image of him injecting a defenseless woman with his trusty syringe, and then slicing them open while they are unconscious...

Tanner's lips quirked into a sadistic, half smile as he fantasized ripping a piece of flesh off of the body, and carefully placing it into his mouth. He contained a soft chuckle, and clenched his hands into fists, trying to swallow the daydream down, before he got too carried away.

Oh, how he would love to just have one taste. Just one. It had been a while since he consumed part of a human before.

Tanner's grotesque fantasy was interrupted when Adam pushed open the heavy, metal door. It made a loud groaning noise, and a pool of light filled the room for a moment, until the door swung closed once more, leaving the two men in the dim lighting of the room.

"What the hell took you so long?" Tanner asked in his calm, soft-spoken voice. He slightly pushed himself away from the table so he could turn and get a better look at Adam.

Adam seemed to be slightly out of breath, his normally neat, slicked down hair looked as if he had been running for hours straight, and his black suit was wrinkled, not to mention the crooked tie.

  "Sorry I'm late." The man says, after taking a gulp of air as he sits down in the chair across from Tanner.

Adam cleared his throat and swiftly brushed his hair to the right side of his face, then straightened out the wrinkles in his suit. He quickly looked back up and gave Tanner a firm smile. "I had to meet up with Dimitri, he had the money that he owed me from the girl he sold last week."

Tanner hummed in understanding. One thing that people should know when working for the leader of the Dark Web, you should never get on his bad side.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, straightening his own tie as Adam folded his hands together on the table, a sharp contrast to Tanner's own hands that were fidgeting violently. The fantasy had gotten him excited.

"So what did you call me here for, sir?"

Adam leaned forward, a large grin plastered on his face. It made him look odd, as his face is usually always stoic and serious. "I have a lead on the BlueBlood Killer."

Tanner jumped up in surprise, almost falling out of his chair in the process.

The BlueBlood killer... a sadistic prick who kills people who are happy with their lives. People who just wanted to be happy. Tanner drew in a deep breath, trying not to let the excitement take over. "After only years? What did you find out?"

The BlueBlood Killer has always been successful. Killing everyone he plans to kill, and there is never any evidence at the crime scene. It always seems like he's moving around, so that no FBI or CIA ever finds him.

Adam chuckled ominously. "I'm glad you asked.. I recently discovered, thanks to many helpers, that there is one family where the killer wasn't successful."

Tanner's hands finally stilled. He leaned forward, begging Adam to finish. "Go on."

"The BlueBlood Killer always comes up with a very strategic plan to kill the families, but this one fell apart. Apparently a girl from the one family had snuck out to a party, which was definitely not predicted."

Tanner nodded, taking in the information, savoring every detail.
So this bastard isn't as perfect as everyone claims he is.

Adam continued. "The girl came back from the party just as the killer was getting ready to finish off her older brother, and he panicked and ran out the back door."

"So the brother survived as well?" Tanner stroked his chin, feeling the determination growing inside his cold, dead heart.

"The brother was alive, but barely. He had a strong blow to his head... the police don't know what was used yet, and he is currently in a coma at the very hospital you work at."

Tanner's heart jumped. The victim was at the hospital where he worked.. so does Adam want him to interrogate the brother?
No, not possible. He's in a coma.

"But no murders from the BlueBlood Killer has ever happened around this area... how did he end up here?"

Adam grinned. "Well, this particular murder happened a couple hours from this area, so the girl's brother was transferred to this hospital, because they lived in a small town with no proper hospital or medical center."

"So where are you going with this?" Tanner started fidgeting with his hands again, anxiously waiting for an answer.

Adam casually leaned back in his chair. "The girl moved here about a couple days ago, so she can get part time jobs to pay for her brother's medical bills, and so that she can visit him."

"We obviously can't interrogate the brother, unfortunately. Since he was the last one to get attacked, and he probably witnessed everything. But maybe... since the girl walked in on the BlueBlood Killer.."

"Maybe we can get information out of her." Tanner said breathlessly, taking the words out of Adam's mouth.

The man nodded, looking pleased with himself. Tanner fumbled with his words, trying not to break out the millions of questions he had. Instead, he asked the most important one.

"Who's the girl?"

Adam pulled out his notepad and slid it over to the doctor. "We've narrowed it down to three people, but I just can't narrow it down any more than that. So I need you to do something for me."

Tanner scanned the list. Scribbled in chicken scratch letters were three female names:

   -(Y/N) (L/N)

Slowly, he looked up to meet Adam's eyes. "What do you need me to do?" He asked in a low, raspy voice.

They were so close... so close to catching that bastard for what he did to Tanner, Adam, and a number of other people.

Maybe things would have been different had it not been for the BlueBlood Killer.

Adam gave him a nod. "I need to find out the girl's name once she visits the hospital." He whispers. A request, Tanner assumes.

Excitement was swimming around in Tanner's chest. So many thoughts and fantasies were popping into his head. Were they going to kidnap this girl? Slowly torture the information out of her? Were they going to snap her neck once she tells them the information they need?

His hands and fingers began to shake with excitement, dark thoughts swirling inside his fucked up head and murderous feelings stirring inside his stomach. Making him feel the high and pleasure that he feels after every kill.

"Understood." Tanner finally said, a wide grin breaking out across his face.

They were going to find the BlueBlood Killer, and when they do...

Oh, Tanner is going to make him pay.

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