Chapter 49

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Later that night, after the fire went out, Clint left to go and buy me a dress for tomorrow.

Adam decided to stay at Tanner's house, and he was propped up on the couch, staring up at the ceiling in thought.

I had just returned from the shower, wrapped up in Tanner's robe once more. Luckily I was able to go home and grab a couple days worth of clothes, since Adam suggested I don't stay in my home for a while.

"Hey Adam?" I asked, breaking the silence in the air. He looked up at me from the couch, eyebrow raised.

Once I saw that he was paying attention, I cleared my throat. "Why did you say that I had to wear a dress? You of all people should know I'm not a classy type of woman."

Adam sat up with a reassuring smile. "You said you wanted to stand out in the crowd, right? Lots of women in these clubs wear extremely revealing skirts and dresses."

I nodded, beginning to understand Adam's intentions. He continued, "Clint wanted to buy you a dress that wouldn't really belong in the place we're going to. I think whoever this woman is sending out will recognize you immediately."

"Oh." I smiled, looking away. "I understand."

A short silence followed after my words, and all I could hear was the faint clanging sounds coming from the basement. Tanner had mentioned he was doing some work before bed. I thought of something else to say, and turned back to Adam.

"Do you have a specific plan for when the people try to attack?"

Adam shrugged a little before saying, "My plan is that we all stick around close enough to see one another. If you isolate yourself from us, then you'll be snatched in an instant."

I gulped, already feeling the nerves for what's to come. Despite our own confidence, there's always a high chance for things to go wrong. But in the end, all four of us have survived, and there was no giving up now.

I gave Adam a nod, and then said, "Alright. I think I'm gonna hit the hay... we are getting up early after all." I paused, and then quickly added, "We can talk this whole plan through in the morning."

Adam attempted a smile, and then whispered, "Okay... goodnight I guess."

I returned the smile, and then replied with, "Yeah... 'night."

I made sure to shut off the lights after Adam requested it, and then quickly made my way to Tanner's bedroom. He wasn't there, so I assumed he was still working in the basement. With a loud sigh, I flopped onto the bed and rolled myself up in the blankets.

After I closed my eyes, time seemed to stop for me. I wasn't sure whether I'd fallen asleep or not, but it felt like years before something gently nudged my shoulder.

A groan escaped my mouth, and then my eyes opened ever so slightly. Tanner was smiling down at me, hair damp, little drops of water falling every now and then. From the dim glow of the lamp resting on top of the bedpost, giving Tanner's face a golden glow, he looked like he came straight out of a magazine.

Before I could take any more time to admire him, he grinned, and then burst into laughter, pointing at me. "What are you? A burrito? Why are you wrapped up like that?"

Tanner's voice was laced with amusement, and I had to blink, taking a moment to process the entire situation. After my mind became fully aware, I sneered at him. "It's called getting comfortable, Tanner. Fuck you."

Tanner was still choking on his own giggles, when he pulled his grey shirt up over his head, hiding his face. Then, he pointed at himself and said, "Oh, so then I'll just sleep like this while hanging upside down on the ceiling!"

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