Bonus Chapter

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**The same night after spying on (Y/N)**

Adam looked up from his desk after hearing three knocks on his office door.

"Enter." He said, going back to his work.

Tanner gently opened up the door and walked in, hands calmly clasped behind his back. He had just returned from satisfying his hunger, and urge to kill, and now he looked like a normal human for the moment. "You wanted to see me?"

Adam looked up and nodded. "We need to plan this whole week out."

Tanner groaned, and started trudging toward the desk, but not before admiring how large and cozy Adam's office was. The soft carpet under his shoes, and the soft lighting made the atmosphere calm.

"Tanner, you've got a little..." Adam trailed off as the doctor plopped down into the chair across from him, looking cheerful, and casual.

"Oh." Tanner glanced down at the smudge of red on his white suit, and his hand reached up to gesture the specks of dried blood on his face. "It's nothing! I'll head home tonight and wash up."

Adam chuckled, clearly humored by Tanner's casualness, and then leaned forward, hands neatly folded. "You understand what you have to do, right?"

    Tanner sighed, clearly troubled by the fact he had to spend a whole week earning the girl's trust. But Adam knew what he was doing, so it's best to just stick with what the boss says. "Yes."

Adam nodded. "Good... you almost got shot last night, bud." It seemed as if Adam didn't want to finish those last words, and Tanner knew he was right.

"I know."

"Look, when you just barge into a person's home, reckless the way you are, it could get you into trouble some day. You are a charming man, so why can't you just stick to luring women into your car, like how you do with your job at the hospital, rather than just breaking into a random house?" Adam's voice grew louder and more irritated the longer he went on, and that made Tanner feel uncomfortable.

"But that was the only time things went wrong..." Tanner reasoned.

"You don't know that!" Adam snapped. "Unless you want to get shot in the skull or stabbed in the chest, you need to be more strategic, like know a victim's daily cycle, just like the BlueBlood Killer."

A long, tension filled silence grew between the two men, and after about a minute, Tanner processed everything that his boss had said, and everything made sense.

He definitely could have died. Nobody knows what's waiting inside a house when you break into it. Not unless you watch your victims carefully.

"You're right... I guess I am pretty reckless." Tanner finally said, giving Adam a half smile, to which his boss just blinked, face stoic and firm.

"Just promise you'll be more careful, okay? We work together, and you're a very good assistant. Don't go and act like an idiot." Adam's voice was quiet, like he didn't want to say it. "Plus, when we find this killer, I need you to be alive so that we can kill him together.

Tanner nodded, and somewhere deep in him, there was an unfamiliar buzz, but he couldn't quite tell what it meant.

Finally, Adam practically jumped from his chair and cleared his throat. "Well, that's all I needed. I'm counting on you to gain the girl's trust, and bring her here without any kind of struggle."

Tanner grinned at Adam and this time, he knew that the plan was going to be successful. This was a good approach.

"I promise this plan won't fail this time."

A/N : B R O M A N C E
Adam cares for his people. Periodt

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