Chapter 29

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A/N : Here you go! An extra chapter in one day!! I'm doing a test so it came earlier than two hours tada!!

(I'm so ready for you guys to hate my f***ing guts after it ends T^T I like torturing my readers)

Also, if any of you are just here for Tanner x Reader, you're probably going to like chapter 30/31 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I opened up Clint's door, greeted by the intrigued face of Adam, and the snarky smile of Tanner. Clint was currently hiding in the restroom, so I gestured for the two men to come inside.

"(Y/N), you called... did you discover something?" Adam questioned as he admired the apartment.

Tanner snorted, picking up a random artifact from Clint's living room book shelf. "More like discovered what's inside Clint's pants!" He said playfully.

I felt myself go red, and snatched the artifact out of Tanner's hand, fixing him with a glare. "No. I actually found something out about Clint, that pertains to the BlueBlood Killer."

I sneered at Tanner, but all he did was give me a puzzled smile, walking over to join Adam. "I discovered that Clint has some sort of personal relation with him."

This statement caused Adam to jerk his head around and stare at me, shocked. Even Tanner had to give me a curious glance. "And how exactly did you find that out yourself, anyway?" Adam asked.

"It's a long story, I'll explain later." I picked up the drawing of the BBK and handed it to him. He took it from me and stared down at it, Tanner peering over his shoulder as well.

"(Y/N)... I know this is out of nowhere but." Adam gave me a genuine smile. "This is incredible! You've already made more progress than Tanner and I ever did."

Don't ask me why, but I felt gratitude at his compliment. I really was going insane.

"Thanks... I guess?" I turned away.

Tanner huffed, crossing his arms with a pout. "What am I? Chopped liver?"

"You're a child, that's what you are." Adam retorted, and I snickered.

"So, where is Clint right now?"

Suddenly, my smile faded, replaced by the sick feeling again. After Clint told me what Adam had done, I had mixed feelings about this whole situation. What if Adam was lying to me, and by the time we catch the killer, he'll do something evil : like making me choose my life, or my brother's.

But, we couldn't worry about what he did right now, so I shoved the grim thoughts away, and cleared my throat. "Well... last I checked, Clint is not very fond of you... just give him a minute."

As if on cue, Clint stepped out from the dark hallway, a deep frown on his face. "It's fine. I'm right here.." He stopped right next to me, and Adam gave him his best smile.

Suck up.

"Clint Edwards." He said after an awkward silence. The tension in the air was making it hard to keep a straight face, even Tanner was starting to crack a smile.

Clint glared at Adam, disregarding Tanner and I. His voice was cold. "Don't act like that when you want something from me."

I didn't really feel like in the middle of this, so I moped over to the couch, Clint's folder in my hand. To my dismay, Tanner had joined me shortly afterwards, leaning against the back of the couch right beside of me. I tensed up, still feeling very uncomfortable after what happened earlier.

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