Chapter 1

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"Um, excuse me, but are you Arlo?"

I gingerly stepped closer to the boy who had texted me for us to meet outside of a Taco Bell restaurant. The boy, who was standing with his back facing me, quickly turned around, and I recognized him immediately. I smiled in relief, wrapping my arms around him. "Hello!" Arlo said as he giggles warmly, returning the hug.

Arlo was one of my online friends. The whole gang lived together in Virginia. I had talked to them since middle school, before the whole thing that happened to my family a year ago. When my brother got transferred to the hospital here, I was too afraid to move, and I was too scared to see what he was going through. I eventually stopped talking to my friends, but it wasn't even a year and a half later that I was told that I needed to start paying for my brother's medical bills, or else they'll pull the plug. I basically had no choice but to come. I couldn't lose him too.

It's been three days since I've come here, and I eventually contacted my friends again. They wanted me to finally meet them, plus I really need to be around other people.

I finally pulled away from Arlo, and we shared identical grins. He was a lot more handsome in person, blue eyes, short platinum blonde hair that spikes up, and a very warm aura. He has always been such a cinnamon roll, and I hope he stays that way.

"Are the other inside?" I asked after catching myself staring too long. I looked away, my cheeks warming up just a little.

My friend didn't seem to notice, and he gestured for me to follow him. "Yes! They're all in here waiting for you." My heart thumped with excitement, and I followed right behind.

He led me over to a table, three other people were occupying it. My heart swelled at the sight of the people that I've talked to since middle school. All three of them looked up when we had gotten closer, and their smiles grew even bigger. "(Y/N)! It's actually you!" Riley, a girl with long brown hair jumped up and crushed me into a huge embrace. If she had squeezed any harder, I might have shit myself.

"It's— uh.. good to see you." I struggled to get the words out, but then Riley finally released me, and I sucked in a deep breath, ignoring the possible bruises forming on my body as my second friend came running over.

It was Olivia, a beautiful girl with dark curls and soft gray eyes, she was always just like Arlo, sweet and gentle, she was always the one that held the group together. I let myself fall into her arms — thankfully her hug was much more gentle.

And lastly, the other guy in our group, Jake. He was average height, with reddish brown hair and freckles. I guess you could say he was the jokester of the group, always being inappropriate and making everything a joke, but we all love him nonetheless.

Jake gave me a little nod and pulled me into a firm hug — thankfully not bone crushing, like how a certain someone's was.

After the little reunion, we all sat down to eat and talk. For the first time in a while, the numbness and grief in my heart faded, but just slightly. I was with people that I loved, and I bet that's what my parents would have wanted, and my sister.

And my brother.


We were in the restaurant for at least two hours, just talking and laughing, not giving a single fuck in the world. It was something I really needed after the crap I've been through. I was already dreading the jobs I had to get here to save my brother's life.

After having the lighthearted conversations, it was time for my friends to ask me the deeper questions. Riley pushed her trash away, and I could tell by the solemn look on her face that she was going to ask me the touchy questions that I wasn't ready to answer.

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