Chapter 17

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A/N : I'm uploading this chapter early, because my mom and I are binge watching Netflix tonight. I normally type a whole chapter every night, so it can be ready for me to post in the morning, but I spent today making this chapter, so I can spend some time with my mom. Enjoy!

Warning, long chapter ahead. (Sorry lmao I'm a fan of long chapters.)
Big Notice : I am officially calling this story : You're Mine, so I hope you like it :)


Everything was starting to come back to me, and I immediately knew I wasn't dead. I couldn't feel my body at all, yet I was aware that I was awake.

Drowsiness was still hanging over me, but it wasn't as strong, like a thin blanket. My eyes cracked open, and everything was distorted. Then, my sense of hearing returned, but all I could hear was a quiet, and muffled voice.

"No, I think she's coming to. Yes, you should probably get back here." The slurred voice said.

I tried to strain myself, so I could hear better, but that only tugged the small bit of energy out of me, and my eyes fluttered closed.

When I woke up for the second time, I could feel my body again. My head was throbbing, and as I stirred, trying to push the sleepiness away, I felt my legs tingle. Probably because the sitting position I was in for a long period of time made them fall asleep.

A bored voice broke through the silence. "She should of metabolized this by now..."

My head was hanging to the side, and when I finally gathered up enough strength to lift it, pain burned its way through my neck, and I groaned.

Consciousness finally rolling around, first instinct of mine was to jump up and dash, but when I tried, something had pulled me back.

Now I was almost fully awake, and I turned my head around to see why I couldn't move, taking in short and panicked breaths.

Both of my wrists were bound with zip ties, keeping me trapped to the metal chair I was sitting in.

I cursed, and then a chilling giggle caused me to whip my head back to face forward. Tanner was standing over me, hands tucked behind his back, and that cheerful smile was there, just like it always was.

But I had no idea he was a complete psychopath.

"There we are, it's about time you woke up!" He chirped as I started to look frantically around the room.

It was small, concreted floor and walls all around, with only a flickering light to keep the room illuminated, which casted an eerie shadow on Tanner's sneering face.

There was also a steady and quiet hum coming from an unknown location. Perhaps we were in some kind of basement? The fear was unbearable at this point, pushing against my chest, and I felt like I was going to pass out again.

Tanner took a step forward, and I reared my head back, afraid that he'd do something. But he stopped, and tilted his head, admiring me.

"You sure do put up quite a fight, (Y/N), it was quite surprising that the dose of midazolam had such a lingering effect on you." He turned and picked up a clear glass full of water on the large table sat in the middle of the room. "You were out for quite some time."

I opened my mouth to say something, but it only extracted the little energy I had. My throat was so dry, and I still wasn't even completely awake yet. Tanner approached me, and held the glass of water out.

"Drink." He said. More like demanded.

My heart jumped, but I needed something to wet my throat, especially since I was about to give this dude hell. If he had the audacity to kidnap me, and not kill me right away, then I wasn't going to cower in fear, I needed to be strong. For my family.

||You're Mine|| {Scrutinized: Tanner x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now