BoNuS cHaPtEr

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**An hour Before heading out to spy on (Y/N)**

"I heard that she's quite famous on Instagram and Twitter." Adam's voice echoed inside the small meeting room, a place that Tanner has grown quite fond of.

Tanner tilted his head in question, adjusting his baggy shirt and jeans. He wasn't fond of wearing casual clothing. But (Y/N) has only recognized him in his white suit, so he had to change up his appearance.

    The doctor thought about how it was a good idea that he decided to take off his jacket and cover his face before breaking into the girl's home.

    "She has social media? Do tell..."

    The slightest hint of photos of a victim always caught his attention. Adam glanced down at his phone while Tanner brought out his own.

    "Her Instagram is (I/N) [Instagram Name]."

    Tanner was quick to type her username into the search bar, and sure enough.. (Y/N)'s profile came up.

    He stared at her follow count, impressed by how well known she was. Tanner started to scroll down, admiring her photos, drinking it all in.

    They were mostly all photogenic, and rather than being half naked in most of them, trying to look seductive, she was fully clothed in all of them.

    He stopped at one picture. It was one of     (Y/N) in large, red sweater, and black leggings. She was with an older boy, who looked similar to her.

    Perhaps her brother.

    Tanner stared, and noticed how cheerful and happy she looked, her (E/C) eyes shining, and just her all around aura in that picture.

    Something clicked inside Tanner's head, and without even realizing what he was doing, he took a screenshot. Adam gave the doctor an incredulous look after hearing the snapping sound of the camera.

    Tanner then scrolled all the way to the first post and took another screenshot. He worked his way up, all while Adam was shaking his head.

    "Tanner, why are you taking pictures?"

    He paused for a moment and looked up at his boss, brown eyes wide and innocent.

    "....For research purposes, thank you very much."

    Adam scoffed, and out of nowhere, the door to the room banged open, causing Tanner to jump up, and Adam slowly turned his head to look.

    Dimitri, the sex trafficking guy, came storming in, and walked right up to Tanner. Even though Tanner was taller than the kidnapper, he still didn't have the same muscles, so the doctor took a step back.

    Speaking in his heavy Russian accent, he lifted up his ski mask and waved it around. "Why you use this last night?" His voice was angry, and it took Tanner a moment to understand.

    "Ah.." he said, his voice remaining completely calm. "I apologize, I had to use that while breaking in to a girl's house, sorry for snooping in your car."

    Dimitri let out an angry grunt and stepped closer. "Blood got on it! You didn't even wash it!"

    Adam stared at the pathetic sight, and shook his head. "Break it up, ladies. We have more important business to deal with."

    The kidnapper disregarded his words and got in Tanner's face, to which Tanner just smiled comically.

    "You will pay for new mask." He barked, and then Tanner giggled, pressing his index finger on Dimitri's chest.

His professionalism died out, replaced by bitterness. "I don't owe you anything. But a new one yourself."

That was all it took for Dimitri to body slam Tanner into the wall. The doctor had to suck in a sharp breath after being winded, and then jumped back up and punched the kidnapper in the face.

"Guys, enough!" Adam walked over to the two men who were thrashing around and fighting like literal children.

"FUCK YOU!" Dimitri yelled, and Tanner let out a sharp, maniacal laugh in response.

Adam sighed, reached into his pants, and pulled out his gun. He raised it to the ceiling and shot it. The two men immediately stopped, staring at their boss with wide eyes.

"We have business to do, and you two are acting like children!" He sighed, shaking his head.

"Sorry sir." Tanner regained his composure, and dusted himself off. Dimitri stood up, huffed, and stomped back out of the room.

Adam glared at Tanner, and made his way out of the room as well, while mumbling under his breath.

"I'm surrounded by idiots."

A/N : My version of Adam is lowkey Best Boi Just so you know ~^-^~

Let me know if you want more chapters like these. These chapters are short and more lighthearted :3 it's like a filler while I'm writing the actual plot lol.

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