Chapter 26

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This drawing ain't mine ^^^

Important Note : Before you read, I'd like your personal opinion about my posting consistency... I'm leaving this up to you guys because I am happy either way : Do you want me to slow down my chapter posts? If you do, then I'll start uploading on Mondays Wednesday's and Fridays.

But, if you still want me to upload every day of the week, and take two days off during the weekend, I'd be delighted!!!

I have no intention of getting writer's block, simply because I already have this story planned out. So I'm leaving this up to you! Do you want me to leave you guys in suspense longer, or should I continue uploading every day and take weekends off? You decide 😊❤️


I stared at the sight in front of me. First of all, we were back in Tanner's musky scented basement, and the man that broke into my home sat in the exact same chair and exact same corner where I had been, body still limp from when Tanner sedated him.

I leaned up against the concrete wall, arms crossed. The steady hum of the basement made my head buzz, and I was still trying to adjust to the dim glow of the single light overhead. Tanner was sat at the table in the middle of the room, along with Adam, scrolling through his phone.

We've been here for about twenty minutes, and as each minute ticked by, Tanner seemed to get even more antsy, either out of boredom, or the fact that he had to wait such a long time before he could torture the man. My stomach churned as I thought that he felt a little bit of both ways.

"Y'know..." Tanner finally broke the silence, an exaggerated sigh escaping him. "I'm bored! Why does it always take an unnecessary amount of time for these people to wake up after such a small dosage?"

Adam was silent, he gave Tanner a look, but quickly went back to a folder he had been reading, and I shifted my weight to the other foot.

"They probably don't want to wake up to see your stupid face." I muttered. Tanner snapped his attention to me, eyes amused.

"Ouch... you have a better insult than that?"

"Oh, I have plenty!"

Adam sighed, standing up so that he blocked my view of Tanner. "Both of you. Enough." He turned and pointed a finger at me. "You. Help Tanner with the interrogation, I'll be waiting outside."

As if on cue, the man started to groan, his body stirring awake. Tanner jumped up, getting in position, with his hands behind his back and chest pushed out.

I couldn't help but smirk. That posture was something he did quite often..

I turned my eyes back to Adam. "Why aren't you helping?"

"Well, I don't want to take any risks." He explained, already halfway out the door. "If this guy is from the Shadow Web, then he might recognize me."

Before I could ask him anymore questions, he shut the door behind him, and I sighed, dreading whatever is to happen next.

I stood next to Tanner, heart racing as the man's eyes finally opened, and I felt myself cringe at how red they were from the pepper spray.

Once he lifted his head, Tanner leaned down to meet his gaze, an excited grin on his face.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" He exclaimed, and I saw his hands clench into fists, probably from anticipation. "Well... it's technically 'Goodnight' but you get the gist."

I fumbled with my hands, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

The man looked around the room, struggled against his restraints, and then met Tanner's eyes once more. "What the fuck do you want?"

||You're Mine|| {Scrutinized: Tanner x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now