Chapter 16

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This is it.

I was finally making some progress, and I forced down the excitement as (Y/N) welcomed me inside her home.

Although I've been here once before, I don't recall seeing anything, prior to the electricity cutting off.

But from what I could see, she lived in a small, somewhat cozy looking home. It didn't exceed my expectations, but knowing how (Y/N) is tight on money, I cut her a little slack.

"Come on in! I have some pizza there if you want it." She said, closing the door as I stepped in.

It took quite a lot of restraint not to pull my syringe out, considering she gave me consent to be here, and we were alone. At night.

But, I wanted to respect Adam's wishes in not making a big mess, so I collected myself, and placed the bottles of wine on the table, a mental note of which one was drugged, in my mind.

"Would you like me to take your jacket?" (Y/N) walked ahead of me, and then glanced over her shoulder.

"Thank you for the gesture, but I'd prefer to keep it on." I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

She nodded, clearly nervous about my company, and proceeded to open up a kitchen cabinet. "Alright, just let me find the cups so we can pour our drinks in."

I tapped my foot on the carpet, feeling a rush of confidence. I guess this will be quicker than I thought.

But I just wanted to play around a bit more, just to make our little "friendship" last.

"No need to rush anything!" I exclaimed, letting my cheerfulness break out, not being able to contain it.

(Y/N) stepped away from the cabinets. "Oh? Then what would you like to do?"

My eyes calculated her movements. She was slouched down just a bit, which showed me that she was self conscious about herself. Then, I gazed at her hands. She was fidgeting with them, and I knew that was a nervous habit she inherited.

At the last minute, I decided not to tease her like I did earlier today, so I made a different suggestion, feeling quite lavish.

"I would love to see how your bedroom looks."

(Y/N) looked a bit star struck by what I said, and I bit back a cheeky grin as she almost tripped over her own two feet.

"Yes! Of course, right this way." She continued to stumble down the hallway, and I fell in line behind her, trying not to show the pep in my step.

Eventually, she led me to the door on her right at the end of the hall, and for just a moment, I was hit by a breeze of confusion. Wasn't her bedroom on the left? The one I had chased her into?

I decided to shrug off the question, as it was probably just (Y/N)'s simple choice to change things up a little. She dashed into her room, and I leaned up against the doorframe, watching as she dove to pick up specific items, like books and clothes, that were scattered over her carpeted floor.

Her room was quite small, dark gray paint chipped up and down her walls, so I assumed nobody has occupied this house and did any remodeling before (Y/N) moved in. A large bookcase, filled to the brim with chapter books of all the genres I could imagine, rested against the wall right across from her full size bed that remained unmade, in the farthest corner. Her comforter, bed sheets, and pillowcases were a charcoal color, which I now began to notice how much this girl enjoyed the color black.

Then, a couple posters were randomly plastered over the walls. All but one were just detailed illustrations of just various kinds of monsters, and now I realized how much (Y/N) loved horror.

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