Chapter 36

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A/N : Hai :3

I've returned from my weekend spent in the agonizing depths of hell................. ANYWAY

Tanner x Reader peeps might like this chapter 😌💅🏻💕


Update on the ghost : That door slamming while I was home alone scarred me for life.

Y'all should have seen me charge up the stairs
with a stirring spoon in my hand.
(I was cooking)

Yes, I'm that b**** that runs toward danger, please don't question me T^T

I'm doing online school, and I'm home alone on Mondays and Tuesdays, so if I die before finishing this fic, then it's the ghost's fault.

I swear to God, I have NEVER experienced anything paranormal in my life... I'm a whole ass skeptic so this ain't bullshit, and I'd never joke around. Let's hope I survive lmfao.


Clint had arrived shortly after Adam interrupted the awkwardness between Tanner and I, now the four of us were sitting at my kitchen table once more, getting ready to discuss the plan.

Tanner took a seat further away from me, and every time I would steal a nervous glance at him, his eyes would already be staring.

I knew deep down, that what I was beginning to feel was fucking wrong, but I'm not surprised about it either. I am way too deep in my own grave to back out now, so I might as well endure whatever the hell is to come.

"Those were the texts I received this morning." I explained to Clint and Adam as they stared at my phone.

Clint frowned, concern in his eyes. "It's no surprise that the killer doesn't mention this stuff to me, but he has been so specific towards me... why is he now hiding the details?"

Adam chimed in, handing the phone back to me. "Perhaps he is suspicious of you. I mean, the killer has been around for a very long time, and he's no idiot."

Tanner was tossing his syringe up into the air, and then catching it, now avoiding my glances. "Well... we're gonna die!"

"No we're not, dumdum." I said it out of habit, from all the bickering we always shared.

Tanner looked at me, his eyes turned up like a puppy's. I forced myself to look away, and I'm pretty sure the other two noticed the awkward air between us.

Clint cleared his throat, leaning forward in his chair. "Well. Now let's discuss our little plan."

We all fell silent, waiting for him to continue. "Okay, so the first thing we all need to know, is that there will be two men there."

"Where are you 'Luring' me, exactly?" I interrupted, politely raising my hand.

Clint lifted an eyebrow, smirking. "Well, the killer knows your fascination with horror, so I told him I offered to show you an old abandoned park, claimed to be haunted."

This statement, caused a spark to ignite within me, and my adventurous side was showing through my eyes. "Wait... can I actually explore it?!"

I heard Tanner snort, and when I looked over to him, he was covering his smile up, cheeks dusting pink.

Clint sighed, voice stern. "Well, obviously not while we are looking for the men, but perhaps after this is all over." Then, he smiled genuinely. "Also, I just want you to know, that I don't think you're weird for liking this stuff."

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