Chapter 40

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A/N : Listen y'all... I see you Adam x Clint shippers in the comments xD


By the time we all worked together in burying the bodies under the overpass where Tanner and I had buried that David guy, the world was beginning to light up, the edge of the sky pink.

That made us all hurry home even quicker, and now I was currently in my bathroom, staring at my frowning face in the mirror.

The blood was still covering my face, but it was cracked and dried, the sight of it made me want to dunk my head in a bowl of bleach.

I shrugged off my jacket, tossing it into the clothes hamper. The blood had trailed down my neck, seeping through my grey shirt in the process. The feeling of that blood splattering all over me made my stomach lurch, and I had to squeeze my eyes shut every time the memory tried to fill my mind.

I can't worry about a shower right now, Tanner had syringed the man at one point while we were burying the bodies after he started stirring awake, and the guys were currently binding him to a chair in the kitchen.

He would wake up soon, and I was determined for answers. So, with my head hanging low, I trudged over to the cupboard below my kitchen sink, and pulled out a washcloth.

But before I could turn on the faucet, the bathroom door opened, and I looked up to see Tanner walking in, a strange expression on his face.

"Tanner?!" I did a double take, and practically tripped over myself as he closed the door behind him, a small smile forming on his lips.

He turned back to me with his hands behind his back. "I wanted to check on you..." Then I heard his words trailed off, as he scratched the back of his neck, frowning. "I know what we just did was a lot to take in..."

After my heart slowed, I shrugged, forcing a smile on my face. "Well, I guess if going through what just happened will bring us closer to the killer, then I won't complain."

Glancing at him, I noticed that Tanner was no longer wearing his white trench coat. His dress shirt was wrinkled and untucked, his red tie loosened around the collar. His neatly combed hair was now completely disheveled, and I didn't see a trace of professionalism besides his posture.

The difference made me look away, flustered as he tilted his head, face perplexed.

"Are you alright, (Y/N)?"

The way his tone was soft and soothing, caused me to shake my head repeatedly, biting back sobs. "No, not really."

Tanner stood there for a moment, and then he approached me, taking the washcloth out of my clenched hand. I looked at him with surprise. "Tanner? What are you-"

"Just sit." He gestured at the toilet, and with a moment of hesitation, I gulped, backing up to plop down on the closed seat.

Tanner turned the faucet on and ran the cloth under the warm water, his expression changing from worry, to anger, and to excitement. "He should be waking up quite soon. Then we can get to the interesting stuff."

Once Tanner turned to me with the damp cloth, I suddenly felt myself sink back, feeling like a stupid teenager in the middle of all of this.

A man who's treated me like shit in the beginning, is now someone I feel like I can trust, someone who enjoys killing and eating people. The murderous side of him I hated, but it didn't stop me from liking the fact that he now wanted to help me.

Having feelings for a criminal just made me feel even more insane, but what could I do at this point? I'm in too deep.

Tanner approached me, and then crouched down to my level, his brown eyes holding mine, causing a warmth to spread through my face.

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