Chapter 43

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A/N : Since I did double posts throughout the week, I decided to post a second one before the weekend started, enjoy! :3


Age 12 :

"I'm sorry..." (Y/N)'s guilt ridden voice haunted my mind forever, as she stood before me at the bus stop, her face on the verge of tears as her parents and brother stood nearby, watching me.

"I... I can't be friends with you anymore." Despite her being just a kid, her emotions were so real, and I shook my head, the feeling of something important to me being torn away.

"(Y/N)... please. Why can't you?" I stood from the bench, hands fidgeting together as desperation hit me.

The girl shrugged. "They won't tell me why. But I just can't talk to you anymore..."

"No..." My mouth dropped open, heart stopping as my mind began to spin. "You can't just leave! You're the only one who cares!" My voice rose, and I saw (Y/N)'s brother take a warning step forward as I reached for her.

Dropping my hands to my sides, I whispered. "You can't... I thought you were my friend!"

(Y/N) looked down as her mom stepped forward, grabbing her hand, tugging her away from me. "Come on, (Y/N). You're going to be late for school."

I wobbled a bit, reaching out for the girl as she was being pulled away. Taking one more sad look at me, she said, "I'm sorry, Tanner. But I can't see you anymore."

My hands shook at my sides, fingers flexing as I watched my only friend being taken away from me. After (Y/N) turned away from me, and her older brother gave me one last glare, I dropped to the ground, rocking back and forth as I started sobbing.

No. nonononono.

She was mine!

I proceeded to fall on my side, still crying. They were taking her away from me. What did I do? What did I do? What did I do?


She was my escape. I forgot about my dad because of her. She took care of me like my mom. And now she was being taken away!

It's not my fault... I had to take secret pictures of her. I had to follow her around in public. I had to make sure she didn't leave me.

Then, as I lay there, I felt a sudden emptiness, and a tick from the back of my mind.

Nobody loves me.



The rain seemed to come down even harder than before, and despite my windshield wipers working, and headlights shining, I still couldn't see two feet in front of me. I gripped my steering wheel, teeth grinding. "Shit!"

I didn't bother to slow down, though, causing my jeep to jerk and swerve every time we hit a stray puddle. Tanner had finally gotten ahold of Adam after the fifth ring, and he put it on speaker phone as a flash of lightning flickered in the sky.

"Tanner?" Adam answered calmly, his voice barely heard from the rain drumming against the windows of my car. "Did you two find anything?"

"Adam!" Tanner held the phone up to his face. "Where are you guys?"

Adam paused for a moment, before responding with, "We're still searching the area. No sign of the girl at all-"

"That doesn't matter anymore!" I snapped, turning a corner, trying to remember Thomas's home address. "Adam, the girl knows what we're doing!"

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