Chapter 20

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A/N : I'm back y'all. And hella refreshed!!! ^^
I'm posting this chapter early because I have to do testing today T-T But I hope you like it!

There's a Tanner flashback next chapter btw.


After Thomas whispered to me that he would be at my house later tonight on my way out the door, my smile slowly melted into a scowl.

The anger and fear bubbled up in my stomach as I spotted Tanner's black car in the huge driveway.

He looked up from my journal as I approached the window. A smile spread across his face. "Oh... how was your interview?"

"Why the hell do you have my journal? I thought I told you it was private!" Snatching the book from Tanner's hands, he just sneered.

"Well, I thought about how boring it would be to hear you drone on about your friends' deaths, so I grabbed it on my way out." His tone was slow, dangerous.

I swallowed, biting back the harsher retort that wanted to escape my lips, but I was too scared. "You can't just meddle into my business, just because I agreed to work for you guys."

I climbed hastily into the back seat, sitting as far away from Tanner as possible, just like how I did on the way here.

Tanner scoffed, his voice amused. "I don't advise you telling me things like that, (Y/N)... I can still hurt you." He paused, staring at me through the mirror, eyes cold. "It's what I do, after all."


Once I was back home, I immediately tried to stow myself away in my room, but unfortunately, I didn't have a lock, so Tanner entered right after I slammed the door in his face.

I let out an audible gasp, and then he grabbed my arm, yanking me closer to him.

Pain slithered up my wrist, and although the fear was evident in my eyes, and gaping mouth, I still stood my ground.

"So... I heard that your little FBI agent is coming over." His voice was filled with warning, and I resisted the urge to throw up.

"I'm not going to tell him anything!" I cried, voice fumbling, and breath hitching.

Tanner didn't look convinced, and he twisted my arm, just enough for it to hurt like hell. I winced, but I didn't look away. "I swear, do you even realize how desperate I am at this point?"

I felt small, physically and mentally, while we stood there, glaring at each other. "Thomas is coming to help me, and teach me how to file reports, maybe that can help us find the BlueBlood Killer, as well as Adam's plan..."

Tanner scoffed, an amused smile on his face. "Like you said yourself ; The killer is smarter than that, if we ourselves couldn't track him down, how do you expect him to show up on a suspicious person report?"

I knew Tanner was right, but I didn't want to feed his ego anymore than I want to, considering Adam gave him consent to do whatever he wanted to me, as long as I stayed alive.

"It doesn't hurt to try." I whispered, trying to dig a hole to bury my fear in, whilst covering it up with determination.

Tanner was silent for a long moment, brown eyes dark, and a eerily neutral expression on his face. Once I saw that he wasn't planning on loosening his grip, I took initiative and began to tug my arm free.

Then, all at once, he let go of my wrist, and I flew backwards, landing on my carpeted floor.

As I stared up at the ceiling, wide - eyed, I heard Tanner burst into laughter, probably thinking this whole thing was a joke.

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