Chapter 23

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the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

An act that can be quite gruesome, terrifying.

But, it is also, for some people, thrilling.


You'll either find out yourself, tangled in ambitions of killing someone, whether it's dismembering a body, stabbing, or shooting.

You'll learn to love it.

But, some people, murder because they learn it from someone else.

Just like me.

I've perfected the way I kill people, I was a big fan of the serial killer, whom I've followed, mimicked.

He was extremely manipulative of his victims, sparing a young child's life, but in return, leaving a scar with them, which eventually drives them insane.

I admired that.

But, eventually, my hero stopped doing that, as he grew older, he preferred to kill everyone he could get his hands on, including happy, unaware families, police officers, and not leaving a single trace of his crimes behind.

But, I've decided to dethrone him. It was my time to shine. I wanted to have a decent start, by killing someone, along with the people they love.


Oh, I tried, but things didn't turn out well. Turns out she herself wasn't home, by the time I was just finishing off her precious brother.

She got away, but she's not going to be safe for long.

I got rid of her friends... now she has nobody to turn to, while I play with her a little.

But, you better run, (Y/N)... you better be prepared.

Because I'm about to finish what I started.

A/N : Confused, huh? Yeah you should be :)


Age ??? :


That's all I could sense, the world dark and mysterious, as I lay in someone's arms, they ran.

I was fading in and out, I didn't know who I was anymore.

All I could feel was the wind against my body, cutting through my hair, and I felt the warmth of a chest.

And as I lost myself again, letting go a part of my life, I could hear the panicked breath of the person who brought me home, letting me start over.

"Stay with me, (Y/N)! We're gonna get you home!"



I lifted my head up with a gasp.

Another dream...

I was back in my bedroom, grey morning light seeping through the curtains. Panting, I looked at the door, and froze when I saw the nightstand had been pushed aside.

I don't remember it being that way.

My heart picked up speed, and when I sat up, I was suddenly hit with a flushed feeling of arousal, and a tingling sensation on my neck.

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