Chapter 5

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    I didn't know how to process everything at that moment. Was it an intruder? A ghost? Or just my anxiety?

    Whatever it was, I didn't want to take any chances. I had to get out of this bathroom. I triple checked to make sure that my towel was covering me completely, and I reached my hand out in the pitch blackness.

    At first, my hand brushed against the wall, but after going to the right just a bit, I felt the cool metal of the knob. My heart jumped out of my chest, and I practically threw open the door, almost smashing my nose in the process. Lightning lit up the entire house, and for the brief second of light, I saw that I was facing the living room.

    I needed to get my phone off the table so I can use the flashlight. Before I could take a step though, I heard the faintest rattling noise over the drum of rain. My heart started pounding once more, and thoughts began to fill my mind. The rattling was coming from the kitchen window, in front of the sink.

Another flash of lightning, and in that quick second, I saw two eyes looking at me, and then everything went dark again.

I rushed through the darkness, panicked, trying to feel for the table and my phone.

This wasn't my imagination, it wasn't just my anxiety.

This is REAL.

Someone is really trying to break in.

My hands began to shake as I kept feeling for the table, desperately searching. As if on cue, another flash of lightning assisted me in where to look. I saw the table only a foot away.

As I stepped over to it, I heard a low, taunting voice, dripping with malice and bad intentions. "You better hide."

And then, just like that, a loud shattering sound ripped through the still air, and at that very moment, I knew what had just happened. My hand flung forward, but it went too far. My heart sunk as my palm smacked against the phone and I heard it hit the floor and slide a couple feet away.

Fuck me.

Another flash of lightning, and I dared to look toward the kitchen window. There was a figure currently squeezing in, and that was all I saw before it went dark again. At that moment, I was so shaken, but the fear that was climbing higher and higher in me only made me more desperate.

I quietly fell to my knees and crawled across the floor. I almost yelped when another huge crash of thunder rattled the whole house. I went back to business, sliding my hand all across the floor, desperate to find my phone. I needed light so that I could get the gun from my closet.

My hand had just landed on the lump that was obviously my phone when the rain quieted down, until it was only just a light patter. The sudden transition felt so eerie, and forgetting about the man breaking in, I realized how quiet everything was.

Slowly, with trembling fingers, I turned on my phone and tapped the flashlight button. Then, I turned around.

Towering over me was a man. He was wearing a gray shirt, and black pants. He also had a ski mask over his head. I felt like my whole body was in shock, and judging by the way the man was looking at me, he was enjoying my fear.

    "(Y/N)..." Was all he said, and chills ran down my spine.

    His voice was deep, but also very smooth. It almost sounded familiar..

    But before I could do anything, the intruder lunged forward. A million thoughts had entered my mind at that moment, and it seemed like everything was going in slow motion. I didn't want to die like this. I had friends who wanted me here, I have a brother to save..

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