Chapter 28

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A/N : Double post?? I'm wayyy ahead on my drafted chapters, so I could do it, if you want ¯\_()_/¯


Age : 16

She didn't remember me...

Why didn't (Y/N) remember me?

I thought she would have, when I greeted her on the sidewalk yesterday, but not a trace of recognition was seen on her face.

At first, I was disappointed, the girl I became good friends with years ago, and when she moved away...

After what I did.

That's when the relief hit. Even though she can't remember me, at least she'll never have to remember what happened. As long as I keep my distance.

My mom once told me, that people tend to suppress memories they don't want to remember. I would understand that.

But now, a day later, I was watching (Y/N), head peeking around the corner of her school. She was sitting in the grass, and she was all I could see, minus the other kids playing and running around her.

She had a book in her hands, and I smiled. She must still be reading those comic books, the ones she was so timid to show to me back then.

But, my smile fell, and the warmth I was feeling faded away as four girls approached her.

The blond girl threw a few insults at (Y/N), and then my heart jumped in fear as she grabbed her by the color of her shirt and yanked her to her feet.

I knew that interfering would cause issues, but it made things more difficult for me, as the blond girl slapped (Y/N) across the face. Even though the second girl was currently ripping up (Y/N)'s book, all I could focus on was the girl I cared about, laying in the grass, tears streaming down her face.

Nobody stepped in to help?

I watched the group of girls walk away, their egos lifted as they shared chuckles. My knuckles turned white as I gripped the corner of the building, eyes following the four of them.

No... you can't just walk away. Not after hurting my (Y/N)....


The hallways were silent, but I knew the girls' schedule. They were currently in the restroom, so I crept down closer to where the restrooms were. As I approached, the four girls stepped out, giggling about something.

But, once they saw me, they all froze, eyes widening. I placed my hands behind my back and gave them my best smile, and judging by their fidgeting and blushing, I knew I had them.

"Hi!" I said cheerfully, putting on my fake smile.

The blond girl spoke first, matching my own smile. "Oh! Hey! Aren't you a little old to be in the seventh grade hall?"

I chuckled, and then took my chance. "Yeah, but I've been wanting to show you guys something, but I never got the chance to catch you. I've seen you around here a lot."

The second girl spoke this time, "Really? What did you want to show us?"

Suppressing a cold laugh, I gestured for them to follow.

"Come with me! It's outside by the trees."



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