Chapter 4

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    By the time I pulled into the driveway, the rain had already arrived. I muttered a few curse words to myself, not anticipating the feeling of getting soaked at all.

    In one swift motion, I flung the door open, hopped out of the car, and made a mad dash toward my new house. The rain was hammering down on my shoulders, and given how weak I've felt today, I was afraid that the drops were going to knock me down.

    I wasn't surprised at all when a flash of lightning tore across the now black sky. The wind picked up as well, and my anxiety was on the verge of breaking loose once I reached the front door and unlocked it.

    By the time I closed the door and turned on the lights, I was soaked. I didn't really feel like taking a shower tonight, but it was probably the best option.

Everything that happened today...

I threw my phone and keys on the living room table and leaned my head against the wall. Closing my eyes at that moment, I focused on the steady drum of the rain and thought about everything that happened today.

Finally meeting my online friends, seeing that strange man, visiting my brother, becoming friends with Tanner, that cheerful doctor.

Wait, was Tanner even my friend?

I shook my head, thinking that was ridiculous considering we only knew each other for fifteen minutes at most. I opened my eyes and looked out the window, thinking about the man for a moment.

    Maybe I should have been more appreciative, like offer my number or something?

    I quite clearly remember that Tanner said he wasn't a fan of professionalism. I brief image of Tanner popped into my head, the one where something in his face ticked, and it sent shivers down my spine.

    It was most likely nothing, but I can't help but feel bothered by it. Was it something I said?

    Suddenly, out of nowhere, a loud crack of thunder echoed throughout the house. The noise was so intense, that I heard a few plates in the sink rattle.

    I decided to forget about Tanner for now and just get into the shower.

    I gathered up a towel and washcloth and headed towards the bathroom.



    He pulled up at the end of (Y/N)'s driveway, making sure that his headlights were turned off first.

    Tanner grabbed his syringe and opened his door, closing it back as gently as he could. Looking up at the small, mediocre home, he assumed that (Y/N) was a broke women.

She had told him that she was looking for part time jobs to pay for her brother's medical bills.

Tanner grinned to himself, knowing that she wasn't even going to be available tomorrow to get any jobs.

They needed this girl, she was the only lead they had. Plus, Tanner was getting quite impatient, he was ready to torture the girl, to hurt her and get the information they need from her.

With the excitement flowing inside him once more, he tiptoed toward the front door to the house.

The rain was certainly not slowing down anytime soon. The lightning and loud crack of thunder proved it.

Once Tanner reached the door, he used his tallness to his advantage and peered into the window of the door. The lights were still on, so perhaps she hadn't gone to bed yet.

Before Tanner could put his hand on the door knob, the wind roared loudly, disheveling his kempt hair. The rain came down even harder, the drop of water cold to the touch. Then one flash of lightning struck down on the power line at the end of the driveway led to a loud bang. Instinctively, Tanner whipped around, worried that it had been a gunshot.

He froze once he saw that the lightning completely cooked the line. Slowly, he looked back at the house.

A sick, anticipating smile spread across the man's face when he saw that the house was in total darkness.

This is going to be fun. He let out a giggle that told himself that he wasn't sane at all, and squeezed his syringe even tighter.


Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!

I had just rinsed out my hair when the house went dark. As a person with anxiety, this is sending me over the edge. I swiftly stepped out of the bathtub, careful not to slip and crack my head open.

I dried my hair enough so that it wasn't dripping and then wrapped the towel around my naked body. Did the wind knock over a tree? I squinted my eyes, even though it really couldn't help since everything was pitch black, but at least I'm doing something.

    I carefully reached my hand out, feeling for the door knob.

    But I froze in my tracks when I heard someone whistling an off tune to a song. My heart began pounding out of my chest.

    What the hell was that? Was it just my imagination?


    I knew it was real. It had to be.

    Over the heavy pounding of the rain, I heard three slow, silent taps on my bathroom window.

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