Chapter 21

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A/N : Do y'all want more childish Tanner? I love those moments where I make him immature lmaooo

Also, seriously guys, thank you for giving this story a read! I really hope you like the things I have planned, not even just the romance, but also the story. My writing is still improving, so I hope after this book is finished, I can create even better ones in the future <3


"So, once I've copied the SIM DB..." I repeated, slowly following Thomas's directions, and clicking away at the tabs on his computer. "I can then paste it into the RootKit?"

I proceeded to double click on the little icon that Thomas already informed me was the "RootKit", and then pasted the random numbers and letters into the blank space below the picture of the key.

Thomas had to repeat the directions to me, because I was a bit of a slow processor, and there were so many steps, but after about the third time, I was finally learning. Despite me being a complete dumbass, the FBI agent was extremely patient with me, and I felt triumphant as I heard his approval from above me.

"Yes!" Thomas exclaimed, and I smiled, feeling accomplished that I was learning how to do this. "Then, all you have to do is go through the person's phone, and if you spot anything remotely suspicious, then put them into your report as evidence, and if they seem innocent, just shred the document."

Thomas was a bit close, body hovering over me, and face close to my ear, giving me very uncomfortable flashbacks to when Tanner did the exact same thing while he was teaching me how to bowl.

Thinking about how I let Tanner touch me like that, not knowing he killed people for a living, made me want to throw myself into the shower and scrub my skin raw, but I shook it off, and ignored that memory.

Plus, Thomas was a good guy, unlike Tanner, so I let myself feel the warmth of the agent's body, feeling a lot safer with him at my house.

But, cold reality hit me, as I remembered that I can't tell him anything about leading the BlueBlood Killer to me. Tanner kinda had a point.

If Thomas found out I was threatened by the BlueBlood Killer himself, he will ruin everything by sending an unnecessary amount of police officers to my home, and the killer won't even make an effort to try and come for me.

At least not when I'm around other people.

I shivered at the thought, dread settling in the pit of my stomach. This whole plan could come crashing down at any chance.

Tanner may not be around at the time the killer strikes, and despite my knowledge of fighting back, would I be strong enough to fend him off? What if I'm not even prepared?

All of these possibilities.. I never even thought any of it through yet.

After I broke into this suspicious person's phone, Thomas was praising me, and telling me I did such a good job.

I couldn't help but feel flustered. Other than Olivia, Thomas was pretty much the only other normal person in my life right now. I just felt so lonely, and the fact I turned to criminals to catch another criminal made my head throb.

Filing the report, -- which ended up being a suspicious person -- I felt good. Confident. If I wasn't allowed to leave my house, then I could try this alternative option, despite the chances being low.

Thomas had stepped back from looking over my shoulder, and about that time my phone pinged. It was Tanner, and I completely forgot that we exchanged numbers.

Tanner : See you tomorrow :)

Me : fuck u

Tanner : How good?

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