Chapter 57

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A/N : Hey guys! Before we get into the chapter I want to take this moment and share this amazing piece of art from Tortilla_OnmyWall

A/N : Hey guys! Before we get into the chapter I want to take this moment and share this amazing piece of art from Tortilla_OnmyWall

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This is Clint from the previous chapter after getting shot.

I just really want to thank this amazing person for taking their own time to draw out this scene from my story, it warms my heart to know about the support! From the cover of this story and this specific scene, I truly appreciate it! Thank you :)



I don't understand why, but I've come to terms with the fact that I could die at any point in my life. Ever since I've met Tanner, it seems as if I've been hanging off the edge of a cliff. Wave after wave of danger, threatening to take over, consume me.

It seems as if my mind has adapted to these dangers, growing immune to the fears that keep on pelting me. All I care and crave now, is finding my family's killer, the one who pretty much ruined my life. If she hadn't killed them, and put my brother in that hospital bed, would I have been mentally sane at this moment?

If she hadn't killed them, would I have been happier?

Would I have ever... met Tanner?

Strange... when that question touches my mind, I feel a wave of loneliness, despair. It's as if, from how long I've known him, the idea of losing him, or never meeting him at all hurts. Flashes of his soft brown eyes, goofy smile and his child like laughter taint my conscious.

His whole existence has taken control of me, every word, every movement and every word he utters has a grip on me. My heart simply cannot work without him. When I first got to know who Tanner really was, I felt nothing but pure terror, I just knew that it was hatred and anger I felt towards him in the beginning.

But... despite this man being a killer, despite his obvious moments of being a complete psychopath, once I heard his story, it was like everything I was feeling towards him, didn't even make sense anymore. He was a victim, his mind was plagued after the Blueblood Killer brainwashed him, just a child...

I don't know how I should feel anymore.

If I have to be viewed as a lunatic for having feelings for such a criminal, if I have to thank the Blueblood Killer for letting me meet him by fate... if that is what I have to do...

So be it.


My ears were throbbing violently as Adam's huge frame burst through the doors of the club, the place where everything went wrong. The crisp morning air reached my flushed skin, and the rising sun flooded the ground beneath me.

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