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hello! I know I promised an update last month but I wasn't able to do so. but hey, better late than never, right?

TW: mentions of self-harm and suicide in this chapter...read at your own risk

Disclaimer: I know I made mistakes with the law stuff in this chapter...I don't have much knowledge about that stuff. But, shoutout to my friend Ale, as she provided me with all the information I need to know about it. I wouldn't have been able to write this chapter without her help.



I chose not to attend Andrew's first arraignment in court today, which is gonna be in three hours. I decided that it would be better if I stayed home as I might not be able to control what I feel when I see Andrew in person. Also, I don't think I want to be there in case the sentencing would be disappointing.

I haven't heard any updates from my dad since yesterday, but I trust him that he'd fix it. It's just that I don't want to expect the best. I know Andrew and I don't trust him. He always plays dirty just like his father.

But what I know for sure is that I won't be completely calm if I just sit here in my apartment and wait for updates from my dad. I need some distraction and so that was when Luke and I decided that we'll go visit his parents and stay there for the day.

We left early in the morning. As we also needed to stop by a few stores in the city to buy some things. Luke called his parents last night to give them a heads up about our planned visit and they were quite thrilled, especially his mother. I can't even still wrap my head completely around the fact, that his mother is now okay with everything between us. It's like she just flipped a switch. Not that I'm complaining, though. I want it for Luke so he can be happy.

His mother even insisted on us spending the weekend there as well. Luke asked me if I would be okay with that, and well, as long as he would be fine with it as well, then it's okay by me. Besides, it would be good for him to spend time with his parents after what went down before Christmas.

When we got to their house, we were met by his mother and his dad. Jack and Ben were also there, mus to Luke's surprise. Though it made him very happy to see his brothers.

Luke and Liz then took off to go buy something as I stayed behind with Andy in the house. Jack and Ben were off to the beach as well.

"Is it really okay if I take this off now?" I asked Andy as he helped me take the shoulder sling off.

"Well, you don't have to wear it if you can go on without needing it. It doesn't hurt that much anymore, does it?" He said.

I smiled small, "It's not something I can't handle."

Andy chuckled as he placed the sling down on his desk in his office. "You're quite impressive, you know."

"Impressive how?"

"You're a very tough person, and you recover quite fast."

"Oh. I guess I just have a high pain tolerance."

Andy hummed. "Come on, let's go outside. The fresh air is much better for both you and me."

I followed him out of the office and into the back patio. We sat down on the chairs that are facing the Australian ocean sky. The breeze came and I have to admit, it did feel good. I missed this kind of feeling and comfort. I missed the feeling of being home with my family.

"No news yet about Andrew?" Andy silently asked.

I sighed, "No, not yet. His first arraignment is 2 PM."

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