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this chapter is on Ashton's P.O.V. and the first part is kind of a flashback to the last part of Chapter 26, but in his perspective to fill in some stuff. 

and if there are stuff that I got wrong, especially with the whole stuff about Ashton's anger issues, I apologize in advance. I'm not an any kind of expert about these kinds of stuff.

otherwise, enjoy!


~the night ashton cooked dinner~


"I'll help Ashton with the cooking," Calum told Luke as he walked towards the kitchen. I watched him scowl at Luke who just smirked at him as he followed Michael and Niall out of the apartment.

I don't know why but Luke just seemed to make it a big deal when Calum and I hang out or even when we just talk to each other. According to him, Calum and I just have this little tension between each other.

Well, maybe before, we did. I mean, we really did barely talk and sometimes, we don't acknowledge each other, but after our cigarette moment at the parking lot outside, we started to, actually, become friends. And I like Calum. He's chill, though, sometimes he also tends to do stupid shit, but who doesn't? I mean, especially, most of my friends.

"So, what can I do to help?" he asked as he joined me in the kitchen.

"You can start chopping the vegetables," I told him as I pointed to the different kinds of vegetables on the counter as I started to heat the oil in the pan.

Calum took the knife and started slicing as how I told him to. "Where did you learn how to cook? I mean, you are pretty good at it."

"Mostly from my uh...mother, but Harry also taught me some stuff. He's the one who is really good between us two," I answered Calum, trying my best to act nonchalant about mentioning my mother.

"That's nice. Luke told me Harry owns a restaurant and is about to open a new one in the city."

"Yeah, he is. I think they'll be opening that one after their wedding."

"I'm kinda excited for their wedding. I mean, it's gonna be the first wedding I'm going to attend."

"Well, it's Harry so it's pretty much a combination of fun and fancy."

"He's really into fancy stuff, huh?"

"Pretty much, but in a good way. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah," Calum chuckled.

It went silent for a moment as we both focused on what we were doing. Then I remembered something that I need to show Calum, so I lowered the fire on the stove and pulled out my phone from my pocket as I turned to Calum.

I stood next to him and opened up my phone to my camera roll and showed him a photo. Calum raised a questioning eyebrow at me before turning his attention to the phone in my hand.

"That looks nice," Calum commented.

I smiled and then said, "That's my Christmas present for Luke. Do you think he'd like it?"

"Dude, he'd love that."

"You think so?" I asked.

"I know he'd love that."

I smiled at Calum as I inserted my phone back into my pocket.

"Was it custom-made?" Calum asked with a smile as he went back to slicing the rest of the vegetables.

"Yeah, kind of," I answered as I put some garlic into the heated oil in the pan.

"What do you mean 'kind of'?"

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