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I am so sorry for the long time that I wasn't able to update. I got caught up with a bunch of stuff for the past few weeks. 

Anyway, I wrote this chapter as fast as I could on my phone so I apologize in advance for any errors. 

Warning: A bit of smut on the second half of this chapter. (I did my best in writing that and hopefully, it won't be that eh. haha. please bear with my lack of experience of writing smut scenes)


I snuggled more into the warmth against me. It just feels so comfortable and also smells so good. The scent is so familiar. I have always loved that smell. I smiled at that and snuggled even more, burying my face into the soft material of a cloth. I soon then felt arms wrap around me and its familiar, comforting, and safe feeling made me smile even more.


I inhaled deeply, taking in his smell, as I moved my arm and instinctively wrap it around his waist. My legs also found their way to tangle with his. I felt him pull me closer to him. Then a pair of soft lips was pressed onto my forehead.

I hummed in response to the kiss before I slowly opened my eyes and looked up and was met with a pair of soft hazel-green orbs. I smiled as I was happy to see them like how they are now. They look even more beautiful than how they usually were which was cold and emotionless. But now they are so soft and more colorful, making them even more breathtakingly stunning.

Ashton gave me a small smile before he leaned in and gave me a sweet peck on my lips.

"How was your sleep?" He asked in a soft tone.

I smiled, "Great. Thank you."

"It's good to hear that." Ashton smiled.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"Just around six."

My eyes widened a bit in surprise, "I slept for three hours?"

"You had a long nap which was good," Ashton said, gently squeezing my arm.

"Did you sleep too?" I asked, looking up at him.

Ashton shook his head 'no'. "I couldn't sleep, but it's fine."

"You just stayed here with me the whole time?"

Ashton smiled and pressed another kiss on my forehead before saying, "I couldn't leave you."

I frowned. "You didn't have to, you know," I said, not wanting Ashton to think that I was being so clingy or I am forcing him to do stuff and waste his time with me when he could be doing more important stuff than lying on a bed while I sleep.

"Baby...I wanted to stay with you."

"You could be doing more important things," I argued.

"More important things than you? I don't think I have them." He said with a small smirk.

I playfully glared at him and said, "You know, you are really fucking cheesy right now."

Ashton chuckled and pecked my lips.

"But I am not joking, Ash. I really didn't want you to waste your time on me when you could be doing a lot more important stuff." I told him in a serious tone.

"More important stuff like what? Luke, baby, seriously, there is no more important thing for me right now but you."

I stared at him for a moment, not knowing exactly what to say about it. So I leaned up to capture his lips with a soft kiss instead because it's the only thing I can think of.

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