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I am so sorry for not being able to update on the right schedule this week. I got pretty busy with stuff and wasn't able to write anything until I was done.

Anyway, I wrote this as fast as I can so I can update and typed everything on my phone again so I am sorry in advance for type errors.

I hope you would this one. Enjoy!


I decided to look for a job today. I really need to earn some money so I can save up and would be able to buy myself a car. I can't just rely on Calum anymore especially now that we are in uni.

I did a little research last night and actually found some job hiring posts that I am actually interested and I am going to check them all out today and apply.

So as soon as I was ready to go, I headed to the door, bidding Calum goodbye, who was sprawled on the couch watching some cartoons.

Our apartment was already set up. We have finished unpacking the other day and also had our cable and wifi set up, so everything is good and perfect.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you?" Calum asked as I was about to open the door.

I turned to him and smiled, "Yeah, I am. Don't worry too much, Cal, I won't get lost."

"I know you won't, I just don't want you going around alone and walking or taking a bus," he told me.

I chuckled, "I'll be fine, Calum."

"Why don't you just take my car?"

"You might go somewhere you know. Maybe run an errand or something."

"I won't, I promise. Just take it."

I huffed, knowing he would really insist, then grabbed his car keys from the bowl on the table by the door. I swung it in front of me, showing him that I took it, then opened the door and stepped out, closing it behind me but not forgetting to say goodbye to Calum.

I headed over to the elevator and stepped inside pushing the ground floor button. The doors were closing but then it was stopped by an arm sticking in and opened again.

My eyes widened in surprise when seeing it was Ashton. He didn't even spare me a glance and just stepped inside and stayed at the corner with his attention focused on his phone as the door closes and the elevator moving down.

I moved back to the opposite corner already feeling a huge tension all over us. I know I am just the only one feeling it but can you even blame me? He is pretty much intimidating!

I cleared my throat and decided to speak up, trying to ease the tension I am feeling. He doesn't seem pissed anyway, unlike our first encounter.

"H-hi," I started but he didn't respond so I continued. "I'm Luke, you probably don't remember me, bu-," I was eventually cut off with him speaking.

"I remember, who you are, Luke. I just don't give a fuck." He rudely said but in a monotone voice. I was greatly taken aback and embarrassed by his rudeness. Good thing it was just us two in this elevator.

"O-okay," I stuttered.

He then turned to look at me with those beautiful yet intimidating hazel-green eyes, and I really felt so small under his gaze. His face was blank and he somewhat scanned me with his gaze before he said, "Let me get one thing straight. Just because you are friends with Michael it doesn't mean that you are automatically friends with me. So if you don't want to get into any trouble, don't make the same mistake of talking to me again. You understand that?"

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