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late update again, I'm sorry, been very busy.

anyway, i wanna thank every single one of you reading my fic (again, annoying, i know, hehe) for the 1k and growing reads. also for being patient with me when it comes to updates. i love you all and i really, really, appreciate your support. it means so much to me.

warning: a bit of smut on the first part of the chapter, so if you are not comfortable reading it, just skip the first part. and to the ones who wants to read it, i apologize in advance if it does not reach your expectations, haha, but i tried.

there may be a lot of typo erros, so sorry about that too. as usual, i write on my phone. 



The light from the morning sun, entering the room was the thing that woke me up so early the next morning. I was confused at first as to where I am. The room looked very unfamiliar yet familiar at the same time. I rubbed my eyes and checked the time on my phone and it's so damn early for me. It's 8AM but it feels like still 3AM.

An arm around my waist tightened as I moved around and a smile slid into my lips as I remembered where I am and who I'm with.

Ashton and I are in a spooning position, me being the little spoon. I turned around in Ashton's grip to be able to face him. He's still asleep, I can tell. A smile never left my lips as I studied his sleeping features.

I lifted my hand up to his face and lightly traced an invisble line along the side of his face, making him scrunched up his nose lightly. I chuckled at the adorable sight and run my hand through his hair.

Ashton slowly opened his eyes and a soft smile quickly went its way into his lips.

"Good morning," I whispered.

"Good morning, baby," Ashton responded in his groggy, raspy, morning voice.

I grinned at him then leaned in and pecked his lips a few times. I looked at him for just a moment then leaned in again and this time, I caught his lips in a proper kiss.

Ashton responded to the kiss but pulled away immediately, making me frown.

"Baby, I have morning breath," Ashton said as his hand ran up and down my bare back.

"So? I have morning breath too. Probably worse than yours. And don't worry, babe, your morning breath makes you even more attractive." I said to him, giving him another peck on the lips.

Ashton chuckled then tightened his arms around me, giving me a kiss on the forehead. As simple as his actions were, it made my heart flutter that I almost told him I love him.

The thought of not being able to express how I truly feel about him made me frown but I immediately wiped the expression off my face, knowing Ashton is always quick to notice everytime I make a frowning or sad face.

I looked at him and smiled as I remembered something, making him raise a questioning eyebrow.

I smirked then kissed him on the side of his mouth, then his jaw, below his ear, and down to his neck. Then I lifted my head again and hovered my lips against his ear and whispered, "Do you remember what I told you last night before we went to sleep?"

Ashton chuckled, "Yeah...I remember."

"Good," I whispered to him then began kissing his jaw again up to his lips, kissing him deep.

Our tongues immediately met and I moved my body, pushing Ashton onto the bed, making him lay down on his back. Without breaking the kiss, I went to straddle his hips and pressed my body against his.

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