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I know I mentioned in a post here on Wattpad that this will be the last chapter but plans changed...so this is the second to the last chapter. it's quite short though, but there's some smut on the first half so I hope that makes up for it. enjoy reading!



Luke and I just stayed in bed after we had our bath and well, after that talk we had in the bath. He lightened up after though and I was happy to see him smiling and joking around with me. But still, my heart breaks knowing Luke went through all of that. If only I could erase all of that, but I can't. What I can do now is to make him happy and make him feel loved.

As we laid in bed, Luke snuggled closer to me and I tightened my arm around him. I pressed a kiss on his forehead, then on the tip of his nose, and lastly, I placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"Aren't you disappointed with me?" Luke suddenly asked quietly as he looked up at me with sad eyes.

"No," I immediately answered. "Why would I be disappointed with you?"

"Because of what I did before..."

"Baby...no. Knowing all that doesn't make me disappointed in you. In fact, I am so proud of you for being so strong and not giving up. You overcome those times. If only, though, I could take all that pain away from you at that time so you won't feel like that, I will do it."

Luke smiled small, "I was always hesitant to tell you about that before because I was scared that you would think that I was fucked up and stupid." What he just said made me frown. If only he knew everything that I've done in the past...

Then he continued, making me focus on him again, "You never had a problem with your sexuality. You were always confident about it and you never gave a shit about what people may think about you because of it. You also grew up around people who's always been supportive. Hell, Harry is gay and he's so proud of who he is. I was quite jealous of that. When I met you and your family and friends, and the whole gay thing is just normal around you guys, I was...well, it honestly felt weird for me. I knew I always had Calum who never treated me any differently after he found out I'm gay, but it was still different being surrounded by very people who are very open about it. So seeing how the topic about sexuality is more than okay with you guys, I felt ashamed of myself for doing what I did before."

I sighed out and slowly sat up so I can look at Luke properly. I held his hand as he looked up at me with confused and worried eyes. I smiled small at him and said, "I'm sorry if I - we - made you feel that way. I really am. But please know, baby, that you shouldn't invalidate your feelings or what you've been through because of how other people see things. There is nothing for you to be ashamed of for feeling that way before. Yes, hurting yourself is not right, but what you felt that time was still valid. You are just being human, and I love you so much no matter what."

The confusion and worry are now gone from his face and he smiled up at me with content before pulling me down on him and kissing me deeply in which I more than gladly welcomed. What started as an innocent, deep kiss quickly turned into something more intimate and well, not innocent anymore, as tongues joined in the battle and hands landed on more private places.

Luke's hands then found the hem of my t-shirt and he pushed the piece of fabric up of my body to get it off of me. I pulled away from him slightly, just enough for him to take my t-shirt completely off. I pushed my hips down on his as I went back into kissing him and as our clothed members were pressed together against each other, both of us moaned into the kiss.

Since what happened on New Year's Eve, Luke and I never really made love to each other. We've been intimate a few times, but Luke is just constantly worried about me and my wounds, given my current condition. But well, I honestly find it ridiculous because why can't I have sex when I got wounds? What could possibly happen to me? I'm not gonna bang a wall, am I? Luke just keeps saying that we'll just wait until they're all healed up to be sure that I won't be hurt. Well, instead of arguing with him, I just complied. Besides, we still get to do other stuff. He gives me amazing blow jobs so I can't really complain.

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