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update! yay! quite shorter than usual but everything that needs to be in this chapter. enjoy!



"Mom, I'm gay!" Luke suddenly exclaimed, cutting his mother off.

I immediately turned to him, looking at him with wide surprised eyes. Everyone else at the table did the same, also surprised by what Luke just said.

I never expected that Luke would just drop that bomb right then and there. I understand that his mother was just kind of...well, persistent on pushing through with that "girlfriend" topic that Luke became too uncomfortable about it but I never thought that it would push him to come out.

"What?" was all that his mother was able to say as she stared at him, still with wide eyes.

"You heard me, mom," Luke said, keeping his gaze locked with his mother's. But the expression he shows on his face was more of anger and frustration, only that I know he's scared of everything that just happened when he squeezed my hand from under the table tightly.

Liz then looked at his husband who just stayed quiet in his seat and just looking at Luke with soft eyes. "Andy, do you know about this?" she asked her husband.

Andy looked at her and shook his head, "No, honey, I don't. I am as surprised as you are."

"That could've have fooled me. You seem to be just too okay with this. Your son is gay, Andy. He just said that he is gay!"

"And what is wrong with that, mom?" Ben then asked Liz before Andy could say anything.

Liz turned his attention to him and Jack, now her eyes are filled with anger. "You two know about this already?"

"Yes," Jack answered, holding his head up.

"And you didn't do anything?"

I sighed out quietly as I held Luke's hand back, trying to keep my cool and stay calm.

"What do you want us to do, mom? Tell him that it's 'wrong' when it's not? Because Jack and I don't see anything wrong about it," Ben expressed to his mother.

"You don't see anything wrong about it? Everything about it is wrong!"

"Liz," Andy said in a warning tone.

"What? You also don't think that this is not wrong?"

Andy sighed and looked at his wife in the eyes, trying his best to stay calm as he said, "Liz, Luke is gay, and there is nothing that we can do about it. That is who he is."


"Why are you so against it, mom?" Jack asked their mother.

Liz turned her gaze to his son and I just tried my best to stay quiet and calm in my seat as I saw the anger and hate in her eyes. I glanced at Luke and it breaks my heart to see the tears brimming in his eyes. He doesn't deserve to hear and see this kind of reaction from his own mother. But he kept himself strong and held his head high as he listened to the ongoing argument in front of him.

"Well, Jack, your brother is gay and he can't be gay!" then she turned her angry glare at Luke and said sternly, "Luke, you are my son and you can't be gay."

"But, I am gay, mom," Luke firmly answered, doing his best to hold back the tears that have been trying to escape.

"No. I am your mother, Luke. You listen to me and I am telling you that you can't be gay."

Luke stared at his mother then he sighed and stood up from his seat, letting go of my hand as he said, "Then maybe I shouldn't be your son, because I am gay and I will always be gay."

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