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"So you crashed at Ashton's and Michael's place huh?" Calum said as we both relaxed on the living room and watched a movie.

"Yeah, that I did." I simply responded.

"So you and Ashton are friends now?"

"No, we're not and will never be."

"But you've hung out already."

"No, we haven't. I got so drunk and I couldn't find you nor call you 'cause my phone died and I saw him and asked for a ride home. But when we got here I couldn't find my keys so he let me crash at their place. He just helped me out, that's all. It's even quite embarrassing on my part." I gracefully lied.

"Oh...I'm sorry. I got distracted last night."

"With some redhead, yeah I know." I chuckled.

Calum sighed, "I'm really sorry, Luke."

"For what, Calum? For having fun? I think that's not something to apologize for."

"Because I left you alone..." Calum said in small voice.

"Dude, cheer up. I'm okay. You are not obliged to take care of me, okay?"

"But still..."

I laughed as I ruffled Calum's hair and said, "You, idiot. You don't apologize for shit like that, okay?"

Calum stared up at me for a moment then sighed and said, "Okay."

"Good. Now watch the movie and stop being so dramatic. It doesn't suit you. You are Crowley, not Castiel."

Calum laughed, "And you are Lucifer."

"Whatever, douchebag."

"Okay. First, you called me an idiot, then practically a demon, and then now a douchebag. I am actually considering switching roommates. Michael's a lot better."

"Wow! One night with Michael and you are all ready to throw away years with me for him."

"You were being mean."

"You are being a childish idiot."

"See? Always insulting me." Calum pouts.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him and turned away, shaking my head.

"So...how did he end up here? Michael, I mean." I asked Calum.

"Well, he can't find and reach Ashton and believed he left him already so he looked for us and when he saw me he asked for a ride home. We were also looking for you and tried calling you but can't reach you as well. You're phone died, right?"

I nodded.

Calum continued, "I got so worried about you though so he tried calling Ashton again and good thing he picked up. He was angry and even had a bit of an argument with Michael but he said that you're safe so we headed home and since Michael left his keys he just crashed here 'cause he didn't wanna interact with Ashton when Ashton is mad and he is drunk himself. It doesn't always turn out good, he said."

"Oh...why was Ashton angry anyway?" I asked, trying to be subtle about looking for a hint if Ashton had told Michael about what happened to me.

"I don't know. You tell me. You were with him." Calum replied.

"I was too drunk I passed out immediately."

"Maybe he was mad at your drunk ass for being such a burden for him."

I chuckled, "Yeah...maybe that."

Calum didn't say anything and we both continued watching the movie. It was silent for a few moments until he asked, "Luke...did you uh...did you have fun last night?"

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