Details and Warning:

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This is my very first fanfiction writing experience so please bear with me and also this would be the first time after six years that I would write again.

Character Description:
Luke is 18 in this story and Ashton is 20. Their appearance is 2015 5sos era. Calum is also 18 and Michael is also 20. So this is a Lashton story (obviously haha), there will be no Malum, I'm sorry, but there will be a little bit of Larry.

Warning: There will be, maybe a lot, of sexual contents. There will also be a lot of profanities. There could possibly be some stuff that could be triggering so if that bothers you, I'm really sorry but it's part of the story, you can just skip it, but it could just be a possibility. It will depend on the flow of the story. Please, NO HATE. If I would add some new characters that you don't like, don't throw some hateful comments to them.


This is mostly on Luke's POV. If ever there will be a change of POV, I will indicate whose POV it will be.

Updates: I will update as much as I could.

Note: I may have gotten some information or facts wrong in this story such as locations, customs, traditions, and some other Australian things that I may not be aware of. I do apologize for that. I am not from Australia and I admit that I don't know much about the country. As I have said, this is the first book that I wrote after quite a long six years of stopping to write, so I'm pretty rusty. But also, this is a work of fiction so pretty much everything in this book is not based on facts. But I don't mean to offend anyone or disrespect anything or anyone if I got some things wrong.

Started: May 7, 2017

Completed: April 27, 2022

Status: Completed (after 5 years, finally! 😅)

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