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hello! hello! an update that is long overdue...i hope you enjoy reading this one :)


I felt myself waking up but I didn't open my eyes right away. I just moved around the bed and that was when I felt the arm on my waist tightened its hold. The action immediately brought a smile to my lips. I opened my eyes as I turned around to look at my still sleeping boyfriend.

I smiled more as I looked at his peaceful sleeping face. I can't keep the fond and adoration from showing up as I look at him. Ashton is just so beautiful inside and out. Being lucky is an understatement for me.

"Staring is rude, you know," Ashton suddenly said in his raspy, morning voice, surprising me a bit as I didn't know he's already awake. He slowly opened his eyes and then smiled softly at me as his eyes met mine. "Good morning, princess," he said.

The pet name he used gave me a tingling feeling inside, making me smile up at him and said, "Good morning, babe."

"Did you sleep well?"

"I did. Really good, indeed. Thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?" Ashton asked with a small chuckle.

I smiled bashfully at him, then buried my face into his neck and mumbled, "Last night was really amazing."

"What was that?" Ashton asked with both of his arms wrapping around me. I knew he heard what I said. He just loved to get me flustered and all and well, maybe, boost his ego too.

"I know you heard it, Ashton," I said against his chest, still trying to hide the blush on my cheeks.

Ashton laughed, making my head gently bounce against his chest.

"You really love to make fun of me, don't you?" I told him.

"Make fun of you? Oh, princess, I can never," Ashton said, his voice laced with amusement.

"Yeah, right," I muttered with a playful eye roll.

Ashton laughed then tightened his hold on me and pressed a kiss on the top of my head. The action made a smile slide into my lips again. But what makes me happier is hearing and seeing him laugh more and more. I just want him to always stay like that: always smiling and laughing. Always happy.

I wrapped an arm around his torso and started to caress his back with my palm, feeling his smooth skin. I breathed in, taking in his smell which a mixture of the remains of his cologne and his natural scent. I closed my eyes and smiled, just loving and enjoying this feeling of peacefulness, serenity, comfort, safety, and love. I could just stay like this forever with Ashton with me. Call it too sappy or whatever, but this is just what I want and need in my life.

"Princess?" Ashton then said after a little while of laying in bed, and us holding each other. I stopped my hand's movement on his back and looked up at him. "Were you really ok about everything that happened last night?" he asked.

I huffed then smiled as I already understood why he is asking me this. I leaned up and gave Ashton a soft kiss on the lips and said, "Last night was perfect, babe. I couldn't thank you enough for that and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Ashton smiled at me and this time, he was the one who leaned in and kissed me. I was more than happy to return the gesture and then moved my body as I pushed Ashton down on the bed so I was on top of him. He followed my silent orders and helped me to get comfortable on top of him as our mouths continued to do their task.

I pulled away a bit, just enough for me to see his face. I smiled down at him and said, "Seriously, Ash, thank you. Not just for last night, but for everything you've done for me."

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