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hello. this chapter contains both Ashton's and Luke's P.O.V. as indicated. enjoy!



Luke was out to have lunch with his parents then he also had to go home with them for a bit. He was kind of hesitant about it because he doesn't want to leave me alone, but luckily, I was able to convince him and he relented.

Harry and Louis can't come to visit me today as well as they got important meetings with suppliers for their new and soon-to-open restaurant. It's fine with me though because actually, I kinda needed to be alone as well so I can actually think about what I'm gonna do with this situation that I am in right now.

I've slept for a good few hours, though, but when I woke up and found a rather comfortable solitude in this hospital room, I was able to direct my thoughts on my current situation.

Fuck. Never have I really thought that everything I did with Andrew the past few years would come around and bite me in the ass. Well, to be fair to me, I never thought as well that I would meet Luke and actually turn my life around. Now, I'm gonna have to fix everything and so I can have a peaceful life with Luke and my family and friends, and also, so I can get everyone I care about out of all this mess. If I am being honest, I also got Michael, Niall, Josh, and many others involved in this.

I really do have to end all this. I have to cut all ties I have with Andrew and make him stop harassing me and everyone I care about. He really did cross the line this time. Even I didn't expect nor even have thought that he would actually shoot me and would have probably killed me. I was just really lucky that he was a terrible shot.

Man, that guy has gone too far now and doesn't even understand limitations. I don't even know anymore if it's still just jealousy or something else now. He's so fucked up, way worse than before.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, breaking me from my train of thoughts. "Come in," I said loudly for them to hear, thinking it was just a nurse.

But then, when the door opened and Michael emerged, I couldn't help but smile big and if I didn't have wires connected to me, I would have jumped off this bed and greeted him with a hug. "Mike!" I excitedly said as I watched him enter the room.

"Hey, buddy!" Michael also gave me a big grin and he dropped his bag on the floor as he closed the door and then went over to me to give me a hug which I more than willingly and excitedly returned. I know I've been expecting him to arrive today but I thought it was going to be in a few hours more.

"Fuck, I missed you, man. And I was so worried about you," Michael said as we pulled away from the hug.

"Missed you too," I told him with a smile. "I'm so glad that you're here now. How was your flight, by the way?"

"Exhausting. It was a direct one. I just had to be here as soon as I could. I was really fucking worried, Ash. I mean, you got shot. You could've died, you know."

"Yeah well, as they say, if it's your time, it's your time. Then I guess, it's not my time yet."

"Oh, don't fucking say things like that, dude," Michael said with a frown as he sat down on the chair next to the bed.

I smiled, "Sorry. I was just kidding."

He rolled his eyes playfully, "You have the worst sense of humor and the worst timing for jokes."

I chuckled, "Guess it's part of my charm."

Michael looked at me with a surprised yet amused expression, "Is this the side effect of your gunshot wound? You become this 'Ashton?'" I just gave him a shrug, making him look at me with an amused smile. "Where's Luke, by the way? Why are you alone here?" He then asked.

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