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hello. an update. :)

this is just a short chapter and kind of a continuation from the last one since it just happens in the same night. i initially have thought of dividing chapter 26 into two parts but ended up separating it to chapter 26 and 27. so yeah, this is shorter than usual and still kind of a filler but i needed to write this one as it is important for the plot. 

enjoy! :)



Well, I'd be lying if I say what Ashton cooked for us for dinner was not the fucking best. I still don't understand how he does everything perfectly? I mean, seriously? What can't he do?

The delicious meal also helped me get off my mind from worrying about Ashton. I was actually able to enjoy the night with our friends without worrying and thinking over and over about what Michael and Niall told me. At least, I'm free from those worrying thoughts and I get to enjoy a fun night with my friends and boyfriend.

Niall and I ended up putting in Captain America: The Winter Soldier which made Calum and Michael groan because they wanted to watch Non-Stop first. But oh well, The Winter Soldier is the best Marvel movie, don't argue with me, and I do have a massive crush on Bucky Barnes. I mean, Sebastian Stan is truly a Romanian god and I grow weak every time I see him especially as Bucky Barnes, and Ashton didn't have to know about that.

After the first movie, Calum and Michael immediately played Non-Stop and I am not complaining because I love Liam Neeson. He's a total badass. Calum took out our extra mattress and we pushed away some of our furniture like the coffee table and some chairs, so we can place the mattress in between the couch and the TV. The three boys immediately jumped on the mattress as they grabbed pillows from the couch and arguing who gets which pillow.

I rolled my eyes as they are being childish idiots again. I settled and down on one end of the couch and Ashton went to sit down next to me with a dimpled smile.

"I think I've watched this movie for like five times already," Michael expressed as he leaned back against his pillow. He has changed into his pajamas and so did Niall and Calum.

"So, why are we still watching it?" I asked sassily.

Michael looked up at me and said, "You know, I could ask you the same about the Winter Soldier."

I rolled my eyes at him, and I was gonna say something but Ashton beat me to it as he told Michael, "He's crushing on the Winter Soldier, Mike. You can't blame him."

Michael raised up an eyebrow at me as he held an amused look on his face. I, on the other hand, gaped at Ashton because how did he know? Was I really that obvious? Well, he's right. They really can't blame me. It's not like I was the one who told Sebastian Stan to be that hot, and charming, and just looks so fucking perfect.

I heard Niall and Calum snickered so I lightly kicked them both on the head, making them looked up at me and scowl.

"It's okay, baby. I'm not jealous," Ashton teased, making me roll my eyes and cross my arms on my chest.

He laughed then moved closer to me and cuddled up with me which then immediately ended up with him sprawled on the couch with his head on my lap.

Michael glanced up at us and gave me a smiled which I returned before he turned his attention back to the movie playing in front of us.

I looked down on Ashton who is comfortably lying on the couch and making my lap as his pillow as his attention is on the movie. I smiled to myself. I love watching him stay relaxed and comfortable like this because it also makes me feel relieved as I know at moments like this, he's feeling okay.

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