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So I wrote this one on my phone and if there are any errors and such, I apologize in advance. Well, I hope you'll like this one. Enjoy! 😊


I dropped the last box of my stuff on the floor and let out a sigh of relief. I looked around the apartment and took a deep breath before releasing it as I took in the sight of boxes scattered everywhere. Just the thought of unpacking is already exhausting but you got no choice, right? You gotta have to unpack all your stuff when moving into your new apartment. Good thing I wasn't alone though. I got my best friend and now roommate, Calum, with me to help me unpack everything.

Speaking of him, he stepped into the living room from the bathroom after relieving himself. I looked up at him as he asked, "Is this all of it?"

"Yeah, got the last one. All we gotta do now is unpack." I told him.

"Ugh! Damn. Can we just do that later? I'm pretty tired from the travel and carrying these boxes up here," he complained.

"Yeah, I guess we can just unpack later." I agreed to him.

"Great!" He cheered. "Then maybe we can go out and grab some lunch. I am starving."

"You're always starving," I commented.
He chuckled, "So? Let's go?"

"Do you even know a good place around here?"

"I saw a place just a few blocks from here. We can try that out."

"Okay then," I then grabbed my wallet and my phone from where I tossed it on the coffee table as Calum grabbed his car keys from the counter and he gestured for me to follow him out of our new apartment.

I don't have a car yet so I mostly rely on Calum for a ride. He doesn't really mind it though 'cause we mostly go to the same places together. We even have the same time and kinds of classes in uni. But on different occasions where I have to go somewhere without him, I take the bus.

I am planning on buying my own car. I have saved up some money from the jobs I took in high school. I just need a few more so I would have enough to buy myself a car which is why I was planning on looking for a job around here.

We exited the building and walked over to Calum's car. But before we were able to get inside the vehicle, another car pulled up next to ours. A dirty blond haired boy soon then stepped out from the driver's side and he seemed very angry just by the look on his face.

The passenger car door soon then opened just a second later and a green-haired guy stepped out, saying, "Come on, Ash."

"Just shut it, Mike!" The honey blond haired guy snapped.

The green-haired guy raised his hands up in defense and just didn't say anything as he followed the other one into the apartment building.
I looked at Calum and said, "Okay...that was tense."

"You say..." He commented then slipped in the driver's seat.

I followed him inside the car and we took off.


The diner was actually nice and cozy and the food was delicious and not too expensive. The waitress is even rather nice. I even think that I'd probably be coming back constantly.

Calum and I stayed at a booth in the corner and enjoyed our food while talking about random stuff here and there. I took a bite of my burger and looked at Calum as he asked, "Do you think we are going to have a great life at uni?"

I chewed my food and swallowed then answered him, "I know we will, Cal. We are going to have an adventure. We are going to have the best years of lives here in uni."

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