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[a/n: a little reminder...I may have gotten some scenes in this chapter inaccurate or incorrect, especially when it comes to medical/hospital operations and police investigation procedures/crime law-related information and stuff.]


"Who's here for Ashton Irwin?"

Louis, Harry, and I were instantly up on our feet and rushed over to Dr. Nelson. I know him since he's one of my dad's closest friends from the hospital. He's a really good surgeon and it gave me some relief, knowing that he handled Ashton.

He recognized me right away and gave me a small smile before he turned his attention to Harry and Louis, and said, "So, are you Ashton Irwin's family?"

"Yes, I'm his brother," Harry said. "How is he, Doctor?"

"Ashton is in a stable condition now. We successfully got the bullets out. He was shot twice. One hit on his right shoulder, and one on his abdomen. He's lucky enough though that it didn't hit or penetrated any internal organs. It was very close, I have to say, and if he was sent here even just a few minutes later than he was, he would've possibly suffered through serious internal bleeding and that would have been a problem. Although, he lost a lot of blood from his wounds. But we immediately performed a blood transfusion."

"So, he's really okay now?" I asked Dr. Nelson. "Like, really okay?"

"He's stable but we still have to keep him here for at least a week. We need to run a few more tests and he has to be under our observation. I gotta admit, though, Ashton is a strong person physically."

"Thank you, Doctor," Harry said with a smile as he shook hands with Dr. Nelson.

"Can we see him now?" I asked.

"Yes, but he's still asleep and won't wake up in at least four more hours."

"Thank you, Dr. Nelson. We truly appreciate it," I told him.

"No worries, Luke. I'm just doing my job."

My dad then joined us and stood next to Dr. Nelson and he told us, "I had him transferred to a better and more private room. You can see him now."

He then lightly patted Dr. Nelson's back, making the doctor look at him and smile, "I didn't realize Mr. Irwin is a friend of yours."

"He's family," my dad told Dr. Nelson and his statement made me smile. "Thank you really for your help, John."

Dr. Nelson smiled at my dad then to us, before he left.

"So, Ashton is now in Room 309. Third floor. As John said, he's still sleeping but you can go there and see him," my dad told us.

"Thank you for your help, Dr. Hemmings," Harry said.

"Just call me 'Andy,' please, and you should go see Ashton now. I know you're all very worried."

Louis and Harry gave my father a hug then looked at me and silently asked if I was coming. I smiled at them and said, "You can go ahead and I'll follow. I'll just talk to my dad for a bit."

"Okay, Luke," Harry said and then he and Louis left.

Well, I am pretty anxious and really need to see Ashton now, but I have to talk to my dad and thank him for helping us today. He didn't have to but he did way more than we could ask him.

"You should go and see Ashton, Luke. I know how worried you are of him," my dad told me with a soft voice.

To my dad's surprise, I wrapped him in a hug. "Oh," he sounded.

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